~Chapter 12: Officially Yours~

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**1022 words or 5464 characters** (edited)

"I fell for you Hwang Youngeun..."

He sounded drunk, he slurred his words, his voice tinged with uncertainty. I tried to make sense of his words as my brain was not working because of the way he was looking at me. He came close to my face, his lips almost touching mine, his eyes searching mine for a response.

"Seungmin, you're drunk,-" I said softly, trying to ease the tension.

But before I could say anything more he passed out so I quickly guided him inside the car and went to the driver's side to drive. We reached his place, Bangchan texted me this address. I slowly nudged him to wake him up and after a few tries he woke up. I was in an awkward position because I was opening the seat belt for him and our faces were close.

It felt like we had been staring at each other for ages. My cheeks were burning and my eyes fell on his lips. I snapped back to reality by clearing my throat and moved away sitting normally. I asked him if he could go inside by himself or if he needed help.

"It's fine I can go by myself... It's pretty late... Just drive back safely."

He was going out when I asked,

"Hey amm Seungmin d-do you remember what happened after the party?"

"Amm n-no... Why? Did I do something? Gosh my head hurts if there is nothing I am gonna go now... Drive Safe and call me or text me after you reach home." He replied.

Although I was thankful he didn't remember there was a part of me who wanted him to remember the incident. My heart was aching but I shrugged it off. I nodded to his reply and waved my goodbye as I watched him go inside and I drove away.

We didn't talk much for the next few days, but one Thursday afternoon Seungmin's urgent call caught me off guard. I answered the call nervously,

"Hey, what's up?" trying to sound casual despite the sudden butterflies in my stomach for no reason.

"The Roof maybe... Anyways, Can you meet me at the hotel? I texted you the address. It's urgent," Seungmin's voice came through the phone, sounding quite serious.

"Su-Sure, is everything okay?" I asked, in a concerning tone as I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

"I'll explain when you get here. Just trust me," Seungmin replied, in a reassuring tone.

Arriving at the hotel, I was greeted by the sight of a beautifully decorated hall, adorned with flowers and balloons. In the center stood Seungmin, his expression a mix of nervousness and determination. I approached him cautiously, my heart racing with anticipation.

"Seungmin, what's all this about?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity. Seungmin took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering.

"I... I have something important to say," he said, his words hinted with nervousness. I nodded, urging him to continue.

"Take your time, Seungmin," I reassured him, my hand reaching out to gently squeeze him. With a determined look in his eyes, Seungmin finally spoke, our hands were intertwined together. His voice was filled with sincerity.

"I've been wanting to tell you how I feel for a long time, I have been in love with you since you joined this school. I was always shy and scared that you wouldn't feel the same but after that night drunk confession I-I thought of finally telling you that-" He kneeled to the ground on one leg and took out a ring box and opened it. It had a ring with his name engraved on it.

"Hwang Youngeun, I know we've had feelings for each other for a while, but I want to make our relationship official. You are the best person I met and I am so happy that I have spent these ups and downs and all the precious moments with you. I Love You Hwang Youngeun and I am very sure about it. I am not drunk this time but very sober. And I am sure that you're the only girl I want. Will you please be my girlfriend?" he finally confessed, his words causing my heart to skip a beat.

He looked in my eyes trying to find a similar answer with nervous puppy eyes. Moved by his honesty and cute face, I felt a rush of emotions building up inside me.

"Seungmin, I... I feel the same way," I admitted, a soft smile playing on my lips.

And in that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the decorated hall and the warmth of our shared emotions, Seungmin reached for my hand, his fingers intertwining with mine as he asked,

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Overwhelmed with happiness, I nodded, tears of joy started to come down my face as I whispered my heartfelt acceptance.

"Yes, Seungmin, I will," I replied, leaning in to share a sweet and tender kiss. Just then confetti bombs started to explode from two sides and I jumped and looked at it to see one side Changbin was standing and another side was Bangchan clapping at us with tears in his eyes.

"Our little princess finally found the beauty of love." He dramatically wiped his tears and said, "I am so happy."

I pushed him jokingly and smiled looking at them and thanked them for the amazing proposal.

But then I realized something that Seungmin said in his confession lines.


"Remember what?"

"That party night drunk incident?" I said.

"Oh amm- yeah I was too shy to face you after that so I rushed out of the car that day and then Chan and Binnie told to confess to you instead of hiding because they thought you had the same feeling-" He said scratching his neck...

"I mean you do but I was still scared that you don't like me and the confession will ruin our friendship... But in the end It all worked out..." He made a thumbs up sign and smiled happily.

I facepalmed and thought that if I am older or he is older than me...


Author's Note : Just came back from college. I got an extra day for the assignments due but oh well that can wait because THIS SERIES IS OVER... 😨😨😨

Btw my exam was good and the questions were super easy... Your girl's a genius 😂🤣😅

For Now That's Gonna Be It... I hope you guys are having an AWESOME day...

사랑해요. 💝🖤💝

(I didn't write anything in Korean this whole series so I wrote it now...Btw It means Love You 🤞)

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