~Chapter 7: Shopping and... Secret?~

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**1002 words or 5521 characters** (edited)

I thought of going shopping a bit, hoping it would lift my spirits. The events of the day had left me emotionally drained, and I needed a distraction. The mall was bustling with activity, and I found solace in the familiar routine of browsing through stores. The vibrant displays and the constant hum of conversation provided a welcome escape from my thoughts. I tried on various clothes, enjoying the brief escape from reality, even though I didn't end up buying any of them. Instead, I focused on getting the things I needed—a few storybooks, new guitar strings, and some other essentials.

The bookstore was my first stop. As I wandered through the aisles, the scent of fresh pages filled the air. I ran my fingers along the spines of countless books, feeling a sense of calm wash over me.

Next, I headed to the music store. The walls were lined with instruments of all kinds, and the soft strumming of a guitar in the background created a peaceful ambiance. I found the guitar strings I needed and spent a few moments admiring the beautiful guitars on display.

With my purchases in hand, I felt a sense of satisfaction. As I was heading home, my route took me past the school. The memories of the day's events loomed over me, but I pushed them aside. Just as I was about to pass the school gate, a car pulled up in front of me. I recognized the luxurious car immediately and, without hesitation, got in before I was told to.

"Why are you still in school? It's 4 PM and school ends at 3:15 PM?" I asked while drinking the coffee that I bought while coming back from shopping

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"Why are you still in school? It's 4 PM and school ends at 3:15 PM?" I asked while drinking the coffee that I bought while coming back from shopping.

"Well my teacher called me to help him with some work... It was not fun." He said while scratching his neck.

"Well moving on to you... Had fun?" Bangchan asked.

I smiled, my earlier gloom lifting slightly. "Yeah, I did. Look at all the stuff I got!" I excitedly started showing him the things I had bought. Bangchan watched me with a mixture of surprise and shock.

"You didn't attend school today?" he asked, his brows furrowing in concern.

"Amm... no. Something happened, so I left," I said, shrugging nonchalantly. Bangchan's eyes widened in shock, and he waited for me to elaborate. When it became clear I didn't want to discuss it, he sighed and dropped the subject.

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