3.A New Encounter

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              After the serious conversation between them.they both headed to their homes with serious look on them

It took a lot of courage for kana to actually talk like that to him.if it was her oldself she wouldn't even have been able to even utter a bad word to him.Maybe she realised that it's no use to be weak infront of him.

‘l am home mom’.

‘Welcome home kana. How was your first day at school.’

‘It was fabulous mom’with a really sad expression behind a smile

Kana: ‘it's been a long day today huh....i don't know why he came to this high school.but, I hope he would just mind his business.’

While looking in mirror she speaks to herself

‘Ohh God I begged you,i pleaded you to not make me meet him.you made my one wish true by giving me a friend .ohh God you me gave a blessing as well as a curse.maybe you did it to make my weak self strong. Well then alright..“AN EYE FOR AN EYE,A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH ”i will make him pay if he messes with me.’with badass expression on her face.

Finally it was morning.kana [haaa.. dammit it's only a second day but I don't want to go to school.i am sure it's going be another long day.]

‘No no ..kana didn't promise yourself that your are not going to be afraid your going to fight..yeah I will fight but it's not going to hurt to sleep for a 5 mins right....’closes her eyes.

‘Kana kana ....wake up you are going to be late.’

‘What mom...?’

‘wake upp...you rascal ,your are going to be late for school.’

‘What the.....why didn't you wake me up mom.... wahhh.... iam going to be late.’

‘I have been waking you up for an hour.but you have been sleeping like a pig..’

After getting hurriedly ready.‘ok then bye mom.’dashes to the school at full speed.

‘Take care on the way to school kana’

But that dash was a waste as she was late for school and had to take the punishment for coming late.

Kana[why is this happening to me what I have done wrong...Haan right i overslept..hahahaha...so it was my fault hun.]

PT coach:‘ok my dear late comers please run 10 laps around the ground.’

Students:‘sir your joking with us right.’

PT coach:‘hmm...do I look like I am joking.’with a mad look his face

Students:No sir,we will run.

Kana[what the hell? does he want us to die.how can a person be alive after running 10 laps around this 2km ground.realllly....What have I done wrong.]
Even though kana looks like she isn't an athletic person.she was running faster than the boys present there.

Kana [just 3 more laps...hu hun i cann doo this...] panting heavily.

But before she completes the laps she crashes into the guy infront of her.she falls into his lap panting at him .


[Wow...!what a handsome guy]

‘Oyee get off me your breathe stinks

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‘Oyee get off me your breathe stinks..’

‘What the....?’

‘OOh! what are you a pervert panting at other people..’tells with sarcasm

‘Heyy..I am just tried..from running lapss.’

‘Yeah yeah and don't call me heyy. i am your senior.’

‘Senior.but you don't look like one. your childish.. calling other people pervert.and not even helping them.’

‘Youuu get off me..right now ’with angryness

‘Yeah yeah sure’.

‘Tell me your name you insolent brat ’

‘Kana.now tell me your name you insolent senior.’

‘Haaa...you brat you are getting on my nerves..and my name is Noha.

PT coach:‘ok students go to your classrooms now.’

‘Be sure to remember it. Because the next I meet you .you are going to regret it. As I am going to make your life a hell.

He then walks away from kana.

Kana[what is he? a child and I should better stay away from this person.but he looks kinda handsome.well whatever.i should get going to class.And is there a new trend going on to make a person's life a hell.because whoever I meet says that he will make my life a hell...].

After completing her punishment Kana went to the classroom to find that the only seat left is beside ren . letting her pride aside .she sat beside ren with a disgusted look on her face.

Ren ‘hahahaha...you don't need me to make your life a hell because you are making it yourself. hahaaha...so,did you have fun running 10 laps.’

‘if you really want to find it if it was fun then why don't you come to school late tomorrow.i am sure you will have fun.’

Miyo ‘good morning..kana why did you came late.i really wanted to sit beside you.’

‘Good morning miyo,sry i overslept.’

Ren chuckling beside her.

Ren[After saying that she will make my  life chaos isn't she making her life chaos.hahahah..damn i can't stop laughing.]

‘Hey!have i cracked a joke here for you to laugh.’

‘Hahahahaha.....well then now jokes aside ’

‘I told you i didn't make a joke.’

‘But kana aren't you relaxing too much .’ Ren said in a dark tone

‘What are you talking about?..’

‘You will soon find it out anyway.’

‘What is it tell me now?’

Miyo:‘what the you didn't tell me you both are close friends kana.’

‘No, we are no..’

Ren interrupts her .

‘Yes,we are really close. she is just shy to admit it that she is my frnd.since all the girls ask her to introduce them to me right kana.’with smirk on his damn annoyingly handsome face.

‘Ohh... that's why you told me that you were not his frnd since I asked you to introduce him to me.’

Kana got tried of this never ending drama that she stopped saying anything after that.

[Miyo,Just how did you even reach to that conclusion.] Kana thinking with a hopeless face letting a sigh out.

                              To be continued............

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