12.My Friend

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Kana was excited for the first time to go to school.since, ren is her friend now she didn't have to worry as she used to.she is even more excited to introduce him to miyo and Soha as his friend.

Kana: 'finally it's morning..... let's go...'

Kana got up early and got ready quickly.

Kana: 'mom....I am going..'

Mom: 'why are you waking up so early these days..?'

Kana: 'nothing mom...i thought it's good to wake up early.' Laughs awkwardly.

Mom: 'hmmm....' Looks at kana suspiciously.

Kana: 'what mom why are you looking at me like that?'

Mom: 'I just thought since when did my daughter become so mannered.'
Says doubtly

Kana: 'well then, I will get going....'

Mom:'but I have not prepared the breakfast yet.'

Kana: 'don't worry mom I will buy something on the way.'

Mom: 'ok bye then... take care on the way.'

Kana[ what should I do it's been many days since I was on good terms with him.should I go to ren's house.haaaa.,i don't know what to do and How to behave towards him.Well I think he wouldn't mind us going to school together.]

Kana shifted her direction to ren's house as she was going to school.

Kana[well i came now so, i can't do anything about it now... should I knock on the door or should I wait for him.]

Kana decides to wait for ren to come out of the house.but she gets impatient and goes to knock on the door but suddenly ren opens the door and kana falls on him. Kana looks into ren's eyes intensely....

 Kana looks into ren's eyes intensely

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Kana:'ohhh ren... thank god you didn't go ahead i thought you would've gone to school by now.'

Ren: 'am i hallucinating why is kana here? Haaa..i must be dreaming.'

Kana:'you are not dreaming.. you idiot!'

Ren: 'really....why are you here kana?'

Kana: 'what..is it wrong for frnds to go to school together.'

Ren: 'so,you came to pick me up huh...'looks at her and asks

Kana:'yeah...what do you have a problem..?'

Ren: 'well okay......but can you get up now.' Says embarrassingly

When kana realises that she is so close to ren her face starts blushing.

Kana: 'yeah...I am sorry. My foot slipped.' With a blushed face.

They both get up from the embarrassing position and depart to school.

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