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Kana: 'I am sorry....i am so sorry...i shouldn't have behaved like that towards you.'

Ren: 'it's fine,it is not your fault.it is my fault, because of me.... you had to suffer.' said it with teary eyes.'

Kana:' no....you didn't knew a thing.i should've explained it to you.'

Ren: 'first of all come inside.'


Ren: 'sit down anywhere you are fine with.'

As kana enters the house it feels familiar for her as she always used to come to play at ren's house during elementary school.

Kana[how did things even became like this between us.]

Kana: 'heyy...i have a question.'


Kana:'when you didn't know anything then why did you said that you will make my life a hell on the first day of school?'

Ren:' I was just messing with you since you saw me like you saw a ghost.why would I even make your life a hell?and also why were you trembling when you saw me?'

Kana: 'i thought that if you talk with me again the girls in high school would again isolate me.'

Ren: 'who would bully you now? you are strong enough to beat them.'

Kana:' i didn't say bully, i told isolate they wouldn't talk to me right.then i would have to be all alone for the three years.'

Ren: 'hmmm.... for that reason you hate talking to me.' with mad expression.

As ren says these words kana tries to change the topic so that they wouldn't end up fighting again.

Kana: 'i haven't seen uncle and aunt, where are they?'

Ren gets devastated when kana asks this question.

Ren: 'youu....really don't know.'


Ren:'haa..leave it, i will just tell you. My mom died 2 years ago when you stopped talking to me.'

Kana:'what are you talking about? How could aunt die?'

Ren: 'my father killed my mom and he is in jail now.'

Kana: 'how did this happen? They both were a good couple. they didn't even fought once..why would uncle kill aunt?'

Ren: 'no...they were not a good couple,they acted like that infront of others, they always used to fight over trivial things and one day my father drank a lot and mother argued with him that day and he killed my mother with a kitchen knife.' with an extremely sad look on him.

Kana:'no..no..why didn't you told me?'

Ren:'i tried talking to you many times,
But You ignored me everytime that's why i did everything those girls said. so that you will talk to me again. I really wanted you to console me on the funeral day but you didn't lift the phonecall that day, I called you several times.well i guess I can't blame you were also suffering that time,but atleast i wanted you to talk to me again. that's why I told you that I was going to a different school and joined your school so that you wouldn't stay away from me. I was so happy when we were assigned to the same class.' With a really sad face.

Kana: 'haaa....so that's why you were angry at that time when I mentioned your mother and you were not angry because I swore at your friends.'

Ren: 'yeah...I was angry at you for not even knowing my mother died, you always seem like you don't even want to care about what's happening in my life.'

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