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                       After hanging out,both ren and kana went home.

Mom: ‘welcome home kana! May i know the reason why you are late??’ With a mad expression.

Kana:‘I was hanging out with a friend,
Sry mom...i didn't looked at the time.’

Kana[i too myself didn't knew that I would have so much fun playing with ren.]

Mom:‘ it's alright if you're with a friend,but come home before sunset okay...’

Kana:‘okay mom....’

Kana goes upstairs to change her clothes.

Kana[yeah.....i almost forgot it again...
I need to ask my mom for permission for the photoshoot tomorrow....but will she allow it.]

Mom:‘kana come down dinner is ready....’

Kana:‘yeah I am coming...’

Kana goes down to eat the dinner, while they were eating,she asks her mom,

Kana:‘mom i have something to tell you.’

Mom:‘what is it?’


Mom: ‘spit it out now...what is it that you want to tell?’

Kana:‘mom, tomorrow can i go to a part time job.’

Mom:‘why do you have to work a part time job?’

Kana:‘it is not a labour work mom.my friend's mother offered me if I was interested in modelling. And I was kinda interested.’

Mom: ‘what kind of modelling is it?’

Kana: ‘it's photoshoot of branded clothes. It is not a shady business mom. They have their own agency and it is the top one.’

Mom:‘what's the name of the agency?’

Kana: ‘I am sure soha's mom gave me a card...wait a sec I will look in it and tell you.’

Kana goes to look into the card for the name.

Kana: ‘it soul fashion agency mom.’

Mom:‘whattt.... really give me the card ? It really is the soul agency.’

Kana:‘what mom do you know them?’

Mom: who don't know them you idiot. it is one of the top agency...i always look at their magazines ...’

Kana:‘ so, will you allow me to go tomorrow then?’

Mom:‘of course....i want to brag with my friends that my daughter is a model of soul fashion agency.’

Kana:‘whatever,i am going to sleep now. i have to go early tomorrow.’

Kana[But wait a sec... senior didn't told me the address....ahh right they gave me the card... should i call this number.]

Kana calls the number on the card and fortunately noha lifts it.

Kana:‘hlo....is this soul fashion agency..’

Noha:‘ yeah...dear customer.how may I help you?’

Kana:‘senior...!did you think i couldn't recognise your voice huh...’

Noha: ‘dammit..you found me out,i wanted to tease you a little more.’

Kana: ‘yeah yeah.... whatever...I called you to tell me the address for the photoshoot tomorrow.’

Noha: ‘really...you are coming....’

Kana:‘ yeah my mom allowed it, apparently it seems she is a fan of your agency.’

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