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Kana was thinking about what to tell her friends till the lunch break....her mind was exhausted thinking about it.....

Kana[haaa.... what should I tell them?
I don't want them to think i am a bad person....i guess I just have to lie to them....]

As soon as the lunch break bell rang both miyo and Soha came near kana and dragged her with them....

Miyo:'kana....now spill it...i'm dying to know how you started dating...?'

Soha:'yeah...come on..tell us...'

Kana[haaa... somebody save me from them....]

Miyo:'come on kana tell us....'

Kana:'fine... fine....i will tell you while' we are eating... let's go to the canteen.

Miyo:'yeah... let's go I was getting hungry anyway...'


They go the canteen to eat the lunch...
As kana enters the canteen she feels intense stares from the students present there...

Kana:'heyy..guys is it just my imagination or they all are really looking at me.'

Soha:'no kana...it is not your imagination I too can feel those intense stares...'

Miyo:'they all seem to gossip about you kana...'

Girl 1:'hey..look isn't it that girl that's dating ren...'

Girl 2:'yeah she is...'

Girl 3:'she is not even that pretty....'

Guy 1:'you are jealous... because she is dating ren...'

Guy 2:'yeah.. it's actually ren that is lucky to date a goddess like her....'

All the members present in canteen were only chattering about ren and kana...

Kana:'I know rumours spread fast....
But isn't it way too fast...'

Soha:'yeah....i think you and ren are going to become celebrities at this rate....'

Miyo:'no...Soha, they have already become celebrities hahahaha......'

Kana:'now... let's go to seat now....'

They take their lunch and go to take a seat.

Miyo:'now tell us kana how you guys started dating?'

Kana:'well...ren proposed to me and I too thought that i like him so i asked him out... that's it..'

Soha:'no way!!'

Miyo:'it's boring as hell......didn't anything happen between you guys.'

Ren suddenly seats beside kana and joins their conversation....

Ren:'what...kana how can you tell them our story so boringly...let me tell you guys...'

Kana:'heyy...shut your mouth..i told them. there is nothing more for you to tell ren...'

Miyo:'don't mind kana's words ren you tell us...'

Ren:'i actually kissed kana before proposing to her and yesterday night she came to my house running and asked me out by passionately kissing me... right kana...'

Miyo:'whattt...you guys kissed each other...'


Miyo:'see Soha didn't i told you that they were meant to be together.' Whispers in Soha's ear.


Kana[I am grateful he didn't tell the whole story to them...but this guy...how can he tell them that we kissed each other....I am going to definitely kill him for embarrassing me...]

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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