Aurthor's Note.

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Hlo my dear readers!

I am Karnalse, the writer of this story “My Enemy”. and this story is my first story that i am writing on Wattpad.
So there may be mistakes in my writing. so I kindly request you that you comment in the comments section if there are any mistakes in my writing.i will rectify it.I am putting my hard work and soul into writing this story so,I hope you enjoy this story.

And another most important thing.
Some of you may not understand how to read this story as I am a new I am giving you small instructions so that you can enjoy the story even better.

Instructions on how to read this story.
1.[.....]this bracket indicates the character’s thoughts .
2.‘.......’this commas indicates the conversations.simply putting ,the character is talking to others,to himself etc.
3.the passages which are without any commas and brackets is the point of view from the narrator.
These are simple instructions I can give you.i hope you can understand it.

Now let's talk about our characters a lit that you can get a clear understanding of their character.

KANA:she is the main character with a little cold personality.but is really kind from heart.she is really beautiful with long black hair.and she is also athletic and intelligent but is a little clumsy.

and she is also athletic and intelligent but is a little clumsy

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Miyo:she is the female lead's friend .she has a really cheerful personality and is a loyal person.
She doesn't abandon her friends under any situation.she is truly a angelic person.

Ren:he is the first male lead

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Ren:he is the first male lead. He has a lit bit of awful personality but is also kind.he gives the bad boy vibes.and most important thing is that he was a childhood friend of kana till elementary school.but their friendship broke up when they entered middle school.

but their friendship broke up when they entered middle school

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Noha:he is the second male lead.he is childish and has a sarcastic personality.noha is second year student.he is the senior of kana.

Soha:she is a character i have not introduced yet

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Soha:she is a character i have not introduced yet .she another friend of kana.and she is the little sister of Noha.

and she is the little sister of Noha

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This five characters are main.there are many characters.but these five are main.

Well then...thank you so much patiently reading this.i will try my best to write the next parts even more interesting.please read them.

                                   From karnalse

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                                   From karnalse.......

 My EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now