5.True Friends

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            After kana ran away from noha
With a blushed face.she runs as fast as possible to get away from him. On her way she meets with Soha and miyo.

Kana[ahhh..why the heck is he so handsome.why don't my heart stop beating so fast?]

Soha:‘why are you running so fast kana?’

Miyo:‘is someone chasing you kana?’

Kana:‘ no.miyo,soha,I was coming to get lunch. But I think it's not possible now. Lunch break is over.i am sure there is nothing left in the canteen for me to eat now.’

Soha: ‘Ohh...you don't have to worry about that kana.i have taken care of it.’

Miyo: ‘yeah! Kana we got you lunch. Though it was not my idea. soha suggested we should get lunch for you
Before it is too late.’

Kana: ‘miyo,soha...you don't have to go that far me.i could have gotten my own lunch.’

Soha: ‘what are you talking about?kana, isn't it normal for frnds to get lunch for each other. And it is just lunch i brought for you. i haven't brought you a diamond.’

Miyo: ‘kana! You don't have to look so sad.you can just buy lunch for us  when we are late.right soha.’

Soha: ‘yeah kana!’ With a caring look on her face.

Kana[when I first met soha i thought she was not a really kind person.but,I was wrong. She is the most caring, kind and a cheerful person. When I would feel low on days she would make me cheerful and miyo would make me laugh. Haaa...I am lucky to get such nice frnds ,aren't i?]

Soha:‘we will stall you some time from the teach. So eat and come to the class.’

Miyo: ‘Then we will get going kana.
Come fast.’

Kana: ‘Thanks miyo, soha.’

Soha: ‘no need to say thanks you dummy.’ says with a caring smile.

Kana was really happy for the first time in many years.  both miyo and Soha went to class giving the lunch box to kana. Suddenly noha comes near to kana and says.

Noha: ‘You've got some nice frnds there.’

Kana:‘whaaaa....what the.you scared me.’

Upon hearing noha's voice she jumps aside with a scared face.

Kana: ‘what are you doing here did you follow me ?’

Noha: ‘Are you a celebrity for me to follow you ! I was going to my class which is in this direction. And on my way I heard your voices so, I came to confirm who it was.

Kana: ‘ohh.... even if you came to confirm don't suddenly show up.i was 
Scared to death.’

Noha: yeah! you looked like a small scaredy cat hahahaha.....

Kana:‘you told me you didn't had any  frnds. but you sure have got some nice frnds.’

After hearing these words from noha. kana's faces brightens up.

Kana: ‘yeah! Haven't i.....’  Says with a really beautiful smile.

’  Says with a really beautiful smile

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Noha[ she's beautiful....no what I mean is her smile is beautiful.’] thinking with a flustered face.

Noha: ‘so,you are a frnd of soha.huh..’

Kana: ‘do you know soha?’

Noha: ‘What ? Didn't she told you.’

Kana:‘ no,she didn't told me. wait are you her boyfriend?She didn't told me

Noha:‘whoa....you sure have wild imaginations don't you? And she is not my girlfriend. She is my little sister.’


Noha:‘you did not need to be so shocked.’

Kana: ‘yeah! You are right.Now you told me. You two do look a little bit alike.’

Noha:‘ well then I will get going. You too finish your lunch and go to the class. Classes have started.’

Kana: ‘yeah.’

Noha goes to his class after the conversation.ren was looking at kana and noha talking to each other with their smiling faces from above the class.

Ren[who is that guy....?] thinking with a really angry face.

Kana finishes her lunch and goes to class.finally the school was over . But kana has work to do assigned by the teacher so she has to stay overtime.
Moreover her partner was ren.so she has to stay with ren.After their work has finished.

Kana[why is he so silently doing the work.he would normally complains  about everything how exhausting this was ,that was like that. Why is silent now. He is giving me chills.]

Kana: ‘I have finished my work.so,I will get going now. Says in a stone voice’

Ren: ‘wait...’

Kana: ‘why? I have finished my work.
So,i will get going.’

Ren: ‘who was that guy with you?’

Kana:‘ which guy?’

Ren:‘ don't act like you don't know? The guy you were chattering so happily with during lunch break.’

Kana: ‘ohh.. he is noh....but why should I tell you.it is none of your business with whom I talk with.’

Ren: ‘just fucking shut up and tell me.
Who was that guy?’ with a angry face.

Kana: ‘I told you it is none of your fucking business?’

Ren gets really angry. kana ignores ren and goes towards the exit of the classroom.then ren instantly  grabs her wrist and puts his hand on her waist.kana couldn't get What was happening she closed her eyes when her hand was getting grabbed .kana opens her eyes slowly,she finds ren's face close to her with a mad expression on him.

Kana: ‘haaaaaaa. .  .  ’ screams when she was being grabbed.

                              To be continued

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                              To be continued..........

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