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Kana gets scared seeing him angry, she gets up and says,

Kana:‘why are angry ren....?’

Ren:‘why am I angry....?’

Kana:‘yeah...you don't have a reason to get angry...’

Ren gets up and laughs sarcastically

Ren:‘hahaha.... I knew that you didn't know anything....but i didn't expect you to be this idiot...’

Kana:‘what are you talking about ren? You are scaring me...’

Ren:‘fine...I will make you understand what l am talking about so that you will never forget it ever again....’ Says with a mad face.

Kana:heyy...why are you coming close?

As ren comes close to kana,she goes backwards and ends up near the bed.
Ren suddenly grabs kana and pushes her on the bed and kisses her force fully, kana was so shocked that she couldn't understand what was going on...

Ren suddenly grabs kana and pushes her on the bed and kisses her force fully, kana was so shocked that she couldn't understand what was going on

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Kana tries to push away ren with all her strength.. but couldn't as ren held her tightly...

After ren kisses her,

Ren:‘you are mine and only mine...

Kana:‘are you crazy ren, leave me right now...’

Ren:‘if I have to be a friend to see
you with another guy i don't want to be your friend...’ With a mad expression.

Kana:‘ren we....are friends..’

Ren:‘no...i always thought of you this way.. I love you kana,no... i have always loved you.’


Ren:‘you wouldn't believe me even if I told you...’

Kana:‘ren stop this...i think of you as a friend..i... don't want to fight with you again... please leave me.... let's forget this ever happened.. let's just be friends... please...’ With a scared expression.

Ren:‘no...if you can't love me it's better you hate me, atleast that way you would only think of me...’says in a deep tone..

Kana:‘you psycho.... leave me right now...’with a disgusted look.

Seeing kana's face ren got deeply hurt.

Ren[psycho haaa.....]

Ren:kana i don't care what you think of me and i won't hand you to any other guy...you are mine...and i will do anything to make you mine completely....

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