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Feel free to give me ideas for future chapters or just feedback on my writing. Also thank you for the 37 reads! Enjoy~

As you blinked away the sleepiness and tried to find the courage to get out of this comfy. . . Wait a second where are you?! And what is happening?!
You immediately sat up straight and looked around the strange large metal room in slight, teeny weeny panic. All around the room there is bizarre looking tools (?) with a weird cyan glowing liquid on some of they're sharp tips/blades. You stood up quickly before looking around for an exit, to which you found a large vent, large enough for you to fit inside.

As you made your way over to the vent you hardcore parkoured over large abnormal looking containers and objects, you heard a swish of something but didn't even turn around to see what happened too focused on escaping through the vent which you managed to get into and run down before you could've got caught by a large metal hand which you didn't notice.


As Breakdown entered the MedBay he immediately noticed something, or rather someone, was missing. As soon as he noticed you rushing into the vent he dashed across the room and reached out to grab you, but you were too quick for him. As soon as you disappeared into the vent he immediately commed Knockout, who then commed Soundwave, who then sent Laserbeak to find you. As Laserbeak flew through the Nemesis he scanned for any human life while doing so, 5t3v3 (or Steve) a Vehicon was walking down one of the Nemesis hallways alone [bad idea if you ask me.] One of the shadow creatures reached out to grab Steves pede with its clawed hand. But the shadow creature was torn in two by something. . Or rather someone.

When Steve turned around he found the sight of you, standing there looking up at Steve with fear before you ran off into a nearby vent.

Steve just stood there, frozen. He had never thought he'd be saved by someone, especially a little human.


As you ran through the dimly lit vents, you started to tire from the physical activity. Not being one for sports or any physical sort of activity. You mostly liked drawing or freeing people of the shadow creatures, sometimes you even read for fun! But that didn't happen often because the caretakers at the orphanage usually took the books away from you, in fear you'd tear them apart like you did with those cursed books that one time. (Sure, you'll give the caretakers the benefit of the doubt, they can't see cursed things or shadow creatures like you so how were they supposed to know?) Hang on we're getting off topic!

So as you ran through the vents you saw something black and shadowy reaching out for something large and purple. You took a couple steps back and of course, there's a shadow creature reaching out for a giant purple and black robot. You knew you should've ran, but those shadow creatures only cause chaos and pain. You couldn't allow the shadow creature to harm another soul, so you managed to open the vent and run over to the shadow creature. Your arms outstretched ready to tear the shadow creature in two. As soon as you put your hands on the shadow creature it screamed in pain, slowly disappearing as your grip tightened before you tore it in two. The shadow creature disappeared, and when you looked up the giant purple robot was staring down at you with its dark red visor. Before you knew it, all that courage and bravery you had was gone and you were running as fast as your little legs could carry you back to the vent in fear.

When you reached the vent you didn't stop running for a while, you just continued to run, run, run and run. Until you were completely out of breath and desperately needed to take a rest before you died of exhaustedness. But as soon as you sat down on a vent to rest, the vent fell out from under you and you fell onto a surprisingly soft metal surface. When you looked up you couldn't believe your eyes!

There standing in front of you, looking down at you was a. . .

Cliffhanger! Sorry Toasties, but I'm still trying to decide whose servos you fall into. Maybe you can help? Tell me who do you guys want? It can't be Arachnid or Dreadwing since they aren't on Earth or the Nemesis yet. Sorry, they'll come in later don't worry. And so will the Autobots. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I got very confused and a bit annoyed when writing some of this.

-810 words btw

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