Chapter 6

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Joint Base Hickam-Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii.

KAN-SEN Sector.

Two young girls with a different appearance from the others appeared to be standing in the harbor and looked at Zumwalt with a curious gaze. One of them who had pink hair and held a spear said. "She's bigger than they say!"

"Hmhm... Big..." The girl with rabbit ears and a sleepy look joined in.

"What do you think her hull is made of?" Asked the pink haired one.

"I don't know... Steel, maybe?" Replied the white-haired bunny-eared sleepily and slightly sarcastic.

"Ehehe." The pink hair just laughed in embarrassment at her silly question.

"Hey young girls over there! What are you doing here?" The two of them then looked back, where the melodious voice was coming from.

They saw a beautiful woman with shoulder-length short blonde hair, wearing a dark green jacket and an office suit. She really looks like a goddess. Thought the pink haired one who was dumbfounded by the beauty of the blonde woman, while her friend seemed to be falling asleep in a few moments.

"I- We, uhhh... We were just curious about the ship that people were talking about." The pink haired one replied frantically.

"Hmm... You two have a different appearance than the others, you're shipgirls?" Asked the blonde woman.

"Yes! I'm HMS Javelin of the Royal Navy's J-class Destroyer!" said the pink haired Javelin cheerfully.

Meanwhile, Javelin's friend was really close to falling asleep. The blonde woman seemed to shake her head when she saw this, then she said.

"My name is Zumwalt, I am... The ship you are looking at. Why don't you join your other friends?"

"We missed dinner because Laffey fell asleep, it was hard to wake her up." Javelin complained to her friend who was somehow sleeping in a standing position.

"That's... an interesting story, how about you girls have dinner on my ship? I happen to be quite lonely." Zumwalt said with a smile.

"Is it all right, Miss Zumwalt?" Javelin asked reluctantly.

"Of course, the more the merrier, after all evening snacks sound delightful." Zumwalt replied with a smile.

Zumwalt then looked at Laffey and picked her up. Javelin said. "Is it really okay, Miss Zumwalt? We don't want to disturb..."

"Hahaha seriously, it's fine, I like little kids like you girls, after all your friend seems to need a break." Zumwalt said patting the back of Laffey who was asleep in Zumwalt's arms.

"Yeah... She had quite a fight this afternoon." Javelin replied softly.

Zumwalt then led Javelin and carried Laffey up to his ship through the stairs. As they were about to enter through one of the doors, someone suddenly called out to Zumwalt. When she looked, it was Francisco with Sandy.

"Oh hey, you guys, what's up?" Zumwalt asked the two shipgirls.

"Can we join you? We missed dinner." Francisco said with a sheepish chuckle.

Sandy did the same while scratching the back of her head. Zumwalt laughed briefly before smiling a little. "Of course, as I told Javelin, the more the merrier."

They then entered the ship and Zumwalt then pointed the direction to the galley through the signpost in the hallway, while she went first to the officer's quarters to put Laffey who was fast asleep.

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