Chapter 9

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Moments before Zumwalt and the others arrive.

George seemed to be yawning quite widely, she was sleep deprived when she first arrived in the alternate past world. The attack from these Siren bastards did not help at all.

"Miss George, when will we get to Pearl Harbor?" Asked Ping Hai who was beside George.

"In about two hours if we're lucky, your sister ship is quite heavy." George said with a sigh.

"Hehe." Ping Hai giggled.

"So, Miss George, what are you going to do when you get to Pearl Harbor? You said yourself that this is not your home world." Ping Hai asked curiously.

"Most likely I will offer my services to the American Navy here, the Siren is a real threat." George said seriously.

"I agree with you, Ms. George, I myself still did not expect the Japanese Empire to fall so far that they would use Siren technology." Ping Hai said sadly.

"You sound sad, why? Didn't Japan commit a lot of war crimes while in China? I don't know how I would feel if the people of my country were treated like that, but my first emotion is anger." George said watching Ping Hai carefully.

"Right... It's just that, I have some shipgirl friends from the Imperial Japanese Navy, they even gave me a nickname, Yasoshima." Ping Hai smiled a little at the memory.

"Nanking... Did that tragedy happen?" George asked suddenly with hesitation.

George saw Ping Hai's eyes sharpen, then she burst into tears, George grimaced, she should have known that it was a sensitive matter for them especially since the incident happened only a few years ago if she guess right.

George did not know how to comfort people especially Ping Hai that are just basically a kid, but George dug up her memories of when she was in her Homeport, when her crew played with their children on her ship. George reached out to Ping Hai's head and gently rubbed it.

That made Ping Hai falter for a while, before finally hugging George and crying harder which made George even panic.

"H-Hey! I'm sorry if I reminded you of a bad memory." George said with a mounting sense of guilt.

"S-Sorry if I did this to you, M-Miss George... I usually have Sister Ning Hai to comfort me, it embarrassing that I did this especially since we just met." Ping Hai cried painfully.

George said nothing and continued to stroke Ping Hai's head. A few minutes passed and Ping Hai's crying started to subside. Just as George was about to speak again, she suddenly gasped, making Ping Hai who was holding her confused.

"Enemy aircraft detected. CAP is holding them at the moment, Ping Hai this place is dangerous." George then carried Ping Hai and ran into the Bridge.

Several F-35s started flying with air-to-air missiles loadout. They are a group of fighters that George had prepared in case their CAP was attacked by the enemy. At least now George had some ample time to prepare a more appropriate counterattack.

George and Ping Hai were already on the bridge of the ship, the alarm sound kept going off. George then turned her ship to the right quite sharply, making Ning Hai's ship which she was towing also turn.

George sensed that her planes that she had sent out earlier along with the CAPs were already engaged in aerial combat. Dozen enemy ships were also detected.

"Preparing for a counterattack." George muttered.

Within five minutes, George had flown in a dozen F-35s with anti-ship weaponry and a few minutes later another dozen F-35s for escort. There were also at least three Helicopters that George flew for Anti-Submarine Warfare duties.

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