Chapter 8

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Joint Base Hickam-Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii.

Zumwalt, Wales and Nevada were seen talking in the Base cafeteria, Kimmel had left first because of business with General Maxwell and General Smith of the Marines Corps.

"I apologize that my country from your home world did not assist you, Miss Zumwalt, it is an act that does not reflect well on Great Britain as we never abandon our allies." Wales asserted herself.

"It's okay Wales, really, I understand why your country of my home world isn't helping, you guys in my home world don't have any influence in Asia anymore and again, NATO must be on alert for an attack from Russia through Ukraine or Belarus." Zumwalt said waving her hand repeatedly.

"You heard her Wales, everything has a reason girl." Nevada said while drinking the coffee she had ordered.

"Still, Nevada! Leaving an ally who has helped the Alliance so much without a fight? I don't know what Great Britain's government in that world is thinking." Wales seemed to still be upset that her country in Zumwalt's homeworld was such a coward that it dared not do anything.

"Well, the main conflict is in the Pacific Ocean, thousands of kilometers from Europe, of course they feel reluctant to help the US in the War. But, you said there was one country that intervened directly?" Nevada asked Zumwalt while recalling what she heard earlier.

"Yes, Poland was the only country that sent military assistance in the form of their Kilo-class submarines." Zumwalt nodded her head, remembering the old submarine that fought tenaciously until her last moment.

"Only one?" Wales raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, if I remember correctly, it was used because the Directorate had the technology to detect the presence of the US Navy's Nuclear Submarines, making our hunter submarines the hunted ones. That Kilo Class Submarine, Orzel her name, was able to slip through the cracks of the Directorate's sensor reconnaissance almost unnoticed, it's just a shame that the old lady had to sunk because she was hit by a Stonefish." Zumwalt sighed sadly, she could not quickly make a shot that could help Orzel to stay alive.

"Poland, an example of a country betrayed by my country." Wales again bowed her head in annoyance and shame.

Nevada patted Wales on the shoulder to comfort her while Zumwalt only smiled slightly. "Take it easy Wales, the Germans will lose their steam sooner or later and we can counterattack to quickly end this war that has taken so many lives."

"By the way, your homeworld had a Second World War very similar to this one, right? Can... You tell me how many?" Nevada asked quite quietly.

"Approximately 75 million." Zumwalt answered briefly which made Nevada and Wales widen their eyes, the latter clenching her hands into fists.

"Fucking Jerry." Wales cursed.

"That much..." Nevada looked a little sick at the thought.

"Most of the casualties are from Soviet, China, Southeast Asia and a few other places." Zumwalt continued.

"Okay Zumwalt, I think we've heard enough of that depressing stuff... Can you tell me about the fun stuff?" Nevada quickly changed the subject.

"Sure, what do you want to know about alternate futures?" Zumwalt asked, grateful that Nevada had changed the subject.

"I'm quite curious about the development of food in your homeworld, whether it's get more shitty or not." Nevada said.

"Trust me, Nevada, the development of food in the future is quite rapid and... Unique, you might say." Zumwalt recalled that while on Mare Island where she was being repaired, some young and old sailors beat each other up for arguing about Pizza with pineapple and pickles.

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