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"He is here!!" A girl screams loudly in front of the crowd as an uproar of the people outside the company breaks out.

In front of the company, the company name is written in Silver color initials glowing from the sunlight.

A car painted with scarlet color halts in front of the company as the car door is pushed open and a black shining boot steps out of the car as the crowd fell into a silence.

A young lad steps out of the car as the crowd went gaga for him.

The soft locs of the hairs swayed with a blowing cold breeze as the fierce sharp eyes of the man scans his surroundings.

His charming face alluring people to the point that they ignore the fact that this young man doesn't like their presence and is glaring at them with his Almond shaped eyes with black orbs which hides something unexplainable stories in the depth of them. His red lips and perfect nose are like cherry on the top. A silver chain sparkled with the light reflection as he was clothed in black attire from head to toe.

He swings the car keys in his fingers before throwing them to the man standing there who bow downs immediately. He steps forward followed by the clacking sound of his boots. The security guards holds up the crowd and shoves them away.

He enters the company as the workers there bows their head in respect.

All eyes are glued on him as he walks to the elevator pressing the button. After a while the lift arrived with a "ding" as he enters.

After arriving at the top floor of the company he walks down the hallway and stands in front of a big glass door. He knocks on it first and enters after hearing a soft "come in" from inside.

"Oh, you're here Xiao Liang! Come, take a sit." The sweet harmonious voice spoke again as he sits in front of the man in his late thirties.

The man sat in his chair while wholly focused onto the file. He pushed his glasses with his index finger and signed onto the papers. Xiao YuLiang rests his hands on the glass table.

On top of the table was placed the necessary stuff. On right was a PC set up while on left was placed a piles of files. A small nameplate was placed at the front with the initials carved on it were "Luo Yunxi".

"Pa... I wanted to talk to you about something." Xiao YuLiang hesitates but speaks up nonetheless. His deep velvety voice was the only sound in the silent office room.

"Yes, speak. I'm listening..." Yunxi replied mindlessly while reading the file.

"...Uncle Yiyang called me in the morning." He says as Yunxi freezes in his actions and looks up.

"What? Why?" He asks anxiously.

"He- he said something like he wants to go on family dinner with us." He stammered in his words as nervousness can be detected from his voice.

"Family dinner?" Yunxi raised his brow in question.

"If he wanted to have dinner why didn't he asked me first? What tactics is he pulling this time?" He thinks before speaking again.

"Xiao Liang, don't worry baby. I'll take care of this matter. You go and do your work, okay?" He smiles softly as YuLiang nods in acknowledgement before getting up and walking away.

He was about to pull the handle as Yunxi asks him a question.

"Where's your Ge Ge (big brother)?"

YuLiang stops and turns around. "In meeting, I guess." He scratched his cheek.

"Mmn." Yunxi nods before emerging himself in work.

YuLiang flees out of the room in a hurry.

He walks down the hallway while his mind is occupied with different thoughts. His train of thoughts comes to the halt as a hand wraps around his shoulder.

Cyberpunk ~ GuangJie & LiangXi Where stories live. Discover now