Chapter 9: Look At Me

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"Oh my holy eyes!" Daixu says teasing Wang Xing who was just approached by someone. Only to get claimed in front of everyone by his boyfriend. They're currently drinking. 

"Guys, get a room seriously." Wu Lan Fen adds in.

"Oh shut up. Btw tell me how's your fiance doing?" He asks her who is unhinged.

"He's fine. He went for a business meeting in US. Will be back in two days." She replies.

"Where did Ge went to?" Xiao Yue whispers to herself worried. She goes through the crowd.

"Wahhh!..." She gets pushed only to end up in someone's arms.

Opening her eyes she is mesmerized by the view in front of her. Two sharp pair of chocolate eyes staring in her soul. Sharp jawline with sharp features, pale skin with a perfect pointed nose. Big eyelashes and black silky smooth long hair. Perfect pair of red rosy soft lips. A mole decorating the perfect nose. Veiny hands, long legs and hot young man.

"Are you okay?" He asks with his deep velvety voice.

Xiao Yue comes back to her senses.

"Uh, yeah I'm perfectly fine." She replies as he pulls her up.

"Thank you so much." She spoke with a sweet smile.

"It's my pleasure." He replies returning the smile.

"Btw, I'm Xiao Yue. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand.

"Hii, I'm Xie Yichen. Nice meeting you too." He chuckles lightly.

"Didn't know I'll get to see a Chinese man here." She spoke jokingly.

"I didn't expect this too." He laughed.

Xiao Yue stares at him in awe.

'God, am I falling in love?" She blinks while staring at him dreamily.

"If you don't mind would you like to drink together?" She asks with a friendly smile.

"Of course, why not? Let's go." He takes her to the bar through the crowd.

"What would you like to have?" He asks her after sitting down.

"Old Fashioned."


"Excuse me, one Old Fashioned and one El Diablo." He orders the bartender who nods before preparing their drinks.

Old Fashioned

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Old Fashioned

Old Fashioned

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Cyberpunk ~ GuangJie & LiangXi Where stories live. Discover now