Chapter 2: Admiration

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[Xiao YuLiang: office]

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[Xiao YuLiang: office]

YuLiang enters inside his office room followed by Shunxi. YuLiang sat on the chair and pulls out a big pile of files. Shunxi almost fainted after seeing it.

'No, I've to make a good impression.' He thought scolding himself as he doesn't wanna be seen as lazy.

"Read this and you'll know all the data related the company & Games here." He speaks coldly with his deep velvety voice.

'Damn, that deep voice almost made me bend my knees.' Shunxi thought before nodding innocently like a puppy while his thoughts unholy.

"Your desk is in front of my office." YuLiang said lastly before emerging himself in work as Shunxi stares at him with heart eyes for some seconds before turning on his heels and leaving.

[Zeng Shunxi: office]

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[Zeng Shunxi: office]

Shunxi's pov

Omg, I never thought I could have such a handsome man as a boss. Ahhh, he looks so hot while being serious. There's no problem at all because it's not like I'll be working here for lifetime. I've a mission but I never knew my mission would look so hot.

I flipped through pages of the files as I scanned them. Well, my memory is sharp. It's not much difficult for me to memorize all of this in just some hours.

I saw a mug and I suddenly have a craving to drink a coffee. I took it and rushed to the coffee machine which I saw earlier. I was making my coffee when it suddenly flashed in my mind. Why not make him one too?

"Hey, excuse me?" I called an old worker there.

"Yes? How may I help you?" He asks.

"Umm, can you tell me if my boss likes tea or coffee?" I asked because it's necessary to know stuff about the person you like. Also, it'll be embarrassing if I made one of those and get to know he likes the other or even worse he doesn't like any of this. Just the thought makes me dizzy.

"Oh, boss likes hot chocolate actually." He told me as I laughed internally just as I thought. Hah, I saved myself from losing face.

"Well, where do I find hot chocolate here? Will he prefer drinking it right now?"

Cyberpunk ~ GuangJie & LiangXi Where stories live. Discover now