Chapter 3: Are You Cold?

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"Today, we're going to have a meeting. Prepare for it with Xiao Xi and ask for advice if you have any problems and you already know who to find for it." Guang was busy staring at his laptop as he gives instructions to Junjie.

"Yes, Sir." Junjie replied mindlessly as he stares at Guang's face for a while. But he wasn't even looking up as he spoke. Unintentionally, Junjie's lips forms into a pout as he walked out of the office upset somehow.

Guang who's checking important emails had no idea what had happened to his cutie upon not getting his attention.

'Wait, why am I feeling upset over this? What had gotten into me? Focus on work Junjie. Yes, focus.'

"Boss, did you summon me?" Shunxi's voice laced with excitement spoke as Yuliang looks up at him and throws a bunch of files.

"Check them. And prepare the meeting room with your Ge." Yuliang gets back to sign some paper work as Shunxi stares at him fondly for a while.

Shunxi opens his mouth to say something but closes it nonetheless.

Junjie gets himself to work as he readied all the files. He went to meeting room and found Shunxi already sitting on chair waiting for him.

"You're finally here. Let's get started." Junjie nods as they both starts doing preparation.

After everything was done. They took a breather and went for lunch into the canteen.

The meeting was set to be held on after lunch time. Everyone gathered inside the meeting room one by one as chairs starts to fill up. Soon after, the clients arrived.

Luo Yunxi was settled onto the seat in front of the clients. On his left set Guang and Yuliang while Junjie and Shunxi were standing behind them.

"Shall we start?" Guang whispers to Yunxi who nods in agreement as he gestured for his employee to give the presentation as the meeting started.

"So, we're thinking of preparing this type of game..." The presentation go on until twenty minutes.

"Wow, I'm really impressed with this idea. Looking forward to work with you Mr. Luo." The clients shook their hands with them and bid farewell.

"Good hard work guys. I'm also impressed." Yunxi smiles praising the hard-working employees and his sons who smiled back with delightment.

He left to his office as others also followed suit getting back to do their respective work.

Guang looks at Junjie who's busy chattering with Shunxi right now.

"Boys!" He gains both their and Yuliang's attention.

"Since, you work hard for this meeting, I'll treat you guys to do dinner as welcome party." He said Shunxi's excitement immediately shots up. Why not he'll get to spend some time with his prince charming.

"Really? Thank you, boss!" He says eyeing Yuliang who looks away.

"How about others? They aren't joining us?" Junjie asks as Guang eyes shifts.

"No, Xiao Yu isn't comfortable with it. So, only four of us will go." He immediately declined with a sweet smile on his face.

"Okay, as you wish." Junjie returns the smile.


It was really bustling at the place. The background noise of people can be heard as it fades as Junjie takes his first bite on the hotpot.

He looks at Guang and gives a tight fake smile. In his mind he have already murdered him atleast hundred times since they came here. Guang on the other hand was just too busy staring at him while the crazy grin on his face never fading.

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