Chapter 8: He is drinking vinegar!

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Previously in Cyberpunk 》

The two looked at each other. As Jin Xiao gives him the 'Wow! What an epic story' look and he gives him the 'fuck you' look. Jin Xiao winks at him.

Gan Wang Xing sips on the water while his mind went back to somewhere else.


"Ngh!...Ahh!...Hngh!" Wang Xing moans in pleasure while getting railed by his man.

"S-slow..." He couldn't even complete his sentence due to the hard thrust which shook him wholly.

"Ughh!" His grip on the bed sheet tightens. The bed shakes violently while making cracking sounds. The room was filled with their moans, grunts, skin slapping and bed creaking...

Gan Wang Xing coughs a little bit before placing the glass down. Jin Xiao smiles while munching on the food happily in a good mood.


Junjie noticed the sudden change in Guang's behavior. He is being all silent while they're alone. He was all chatty and bubbly with others at the table.

"Which side-" He started but Guang laid on the bed and covered himself with blanket while facing on the other side.

Junjie blinks a few times standing there like a statue.

'There's definitely something wrong. But what?'

He thinks as he remembers each and every moment they spend together as the memory of Guang trying to talk about them pops up in his mind and he widens his eyes.

Guang actually have been sulking because Junjie ignored his request and acted like nothing happened.

'Sigh...I shouldn't have done that. Now I've to think how to make it up with him.'


"Will you have-" Junjie.

"...." Guang.

"Do you want-"


"Hey! Listen-"


"What about this?"


"This looks good right?"


"Wanna try this?"


"How is it? Does it taste good?"



"I've been trying everything to make up to him but he's not even looking at me." Junjie fake cries on Shunxi's shoulder who pats him on the back.

The whole gang is gathered together to end their buddy's misery. Because by now even the insects outside of the house knows what's going on between this two.

Daixu thinks for a solution and gestures Wang Xing to meet him alone afterwards.

"Don't worry mate. Everything will be fine, trust me." He says as they all did a lil group hug.

~~A little surprise waiting for y'all~~

"Today, we're going to have a guests. So, please prepare the lunch according to it." Daixu informs the chief who nods before taking notes of what he's recommending to make.

"Who's coming today?" Shunxi asks curiously. Wang Xing, Jin Xiao, Vin Zhang, Daixu exchanged looks while Guang and Yuliang smiles softly because they knows the answer.

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