Chapter 4: The Trip to Greece

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Guys, all of your comments really did boost me up to write more 😭😭

So plz comment to encourage me

There's a surprise for you guys today I'm actually an unpredictable Author who'll go with twists, turns & surprises so be ready for that 🤭🤭


"What do you think what announcement does the boss have to make?" Shunxi whispers to Junjie who's sitting beside him. Yuliang who was sitting on Shunxi's left saw Shunxi leaning towards Junjie as something flashed in his eyes he clenches his fist and looks away.

While, Guang can't stop staring at his Bunny sitting on his right. As people started to fill up he steals glances not to come out as a creep.

He clears his throat before nodding at the employees who greets him.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the corridor as Luo Yunxi steps inside the meeting room with a cold poker face.

He headed straight to the projector screen at the front and stood their leaning forward on the table with the support of his hands.

"I know you guys are eager to know why I called all of you here out of sudden. Well, the situation is like this. He pressed the button of the remote as the screen changed.

"Our competitor company have been trying to get pass us from time to time. I just received the invitation from the game building program." He again presses the button as everyone stares at the screen in aww.

"In this program you'll have to prove yourself and get the deal of millions. It's not about money but our reputation and honor. We have to win this program and creak the deal. We'll receive a big project with huge benefit. Which can be used to our development & resources."

"But...for this we have to make a team. The team will be led by Guang & Yuliang. They'll choose whom to take in their team as per person's ability and skills in different aspects."

"So, I hope you all will work hard on this." He finished as a round of applause from audience echoed inside the room with joy."

He looked at the two boys and their PAs who stares at him with assurance.

"Pack your bags and do preparation. The program will be held in Greece, Europe. With free travel expenses." He says as the uproar of joy breaks out. He left the room to go out for a meeting.

Guang and Yuliang shared a look and so did Junjie and Shunxi as they exchanged looks the people started to leave the room.

"Let's go." Guang got up followed by the three little ducklings.


At night 》

"Baby, did you pack everything?" Yunxi spoke gently as he pats Yuliang's head. Yuliang hummed in response.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" Yuliang laid on the bed and put his head on Yunxi's lap closing his eyes. Yunxi caresses his head softly as the boy fell asleep with even breathing.

" he asleep?" Guang whispers as Yunxi nods.

He walks towards the bed and settled beside him. Embracing Yunxi in his arms and resting his head on his chest.

Yunxi soothes him while rubbing his back gently. After a while, he pulled out of the hug.

"Let's go, you also have to take some rest." He helps him up and they both took their leave closing the door behind gently. They both were walking into the corridor as a servant came running towards them.

Cyberpunk ~ GuangJie & LiangXi Where stories live. Discover now