Chapter 6: IT'S HIM!

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"We'll be playing a couple dance game. In this dance everyone will be wearing a mask. Yup, masquerade party. So guys please, take yours and stand in a position."

The boys were already wearing black suits. They got up to take their mask without the others knowing and took their position.

The music started playing with soothing melody. As they chose their dance partners randomly.

Their steps were moving with the rhythm of the music. They exchanged partners in between.

No one could recognize each other in the dark with flashing lights blinding them.

The genders didn't matter at this time as the only thing which matters was the dance. Men & women partnered up with whoever came towards them passing. It was the matter of chemistry. Whoever have more chemistry naturally stands out in the crowd.

Junjie's hand was taken by Guang. The moment their hands touched a spark occurs. Guang smirks knowing the man he's holding right now is none other than his Bunny.

They moves back and forth slowly. Guang's hand rested on Junjie's slim waist while Junjie's hand was placed on his shoulder. Their fingers intertwined as Guang pulls him closer to himself.

This was the moment when the cold wind blew against their faces lightly. Junjie's heart was beating loudly as it recognizes the man in front of him. A sweet scent hits Junjie's nose.

This's him!

His heartbeat was increasing each passing seconds.

"Maybe, you should calm down before it explodes." The deep voice whispers near him.

"Huh?" Junjie asks shocked.

"Your heartbeat..." Guang stares at him intensely.

"Oh! Yeah." Junjie looks away nervously.

Taking steps back from each other while hands holding and pulling each other closer.

Moving left and right with the sweet melody humming in the background.

Junjie takes few steps back before getting pulled in by Guang. His back collided with his chest. Guang's hands wrapped around his waist tightly. His hot breath hitting Junjie's nape who shivers in his hold.

Junjie twirls guided by him. Before halting and staring at one another. It felt like no one else exists but them. They felt nothing else but each other. They saw no one else but themselves. Nothing comes closer to the feelings they have for each other compared to the whole world.

It won't be an understatement to say that they were crazily in love with one another.

They both walked in circle while holding the eye contact. Their hands never left each other as Junjie circled around him before standing in front of him.

He was not ashamed to admit that this man makes his heart tingle. His stomach is filled with butterflies evrytime he comes closer.

His heart beats like crazy when he sees those eyes which says so much without saying any words. The unspoken words between them which they spoke through their eyes only.

He circled his arms around Guang's neck. His waist was tightly grabbed by those hands before pulling him closer if possible with no space left.

Their faces came closer. Their forehead touched so did their noses. Closing their eyes and smiling to themselves. Their breath intertwined together. Feeling each other's presence lost in their own little world.

The music soon came to an end.

They both opened their eyes. Smiling at each other and their glancing at the stage for the host who came up. They both regain their postures but their hands never left each other.

Cyberpunk ~ GuangJie & LiangXi Where stories live. Discover now