Chapter 5: Streets of Greece

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Guang came back from the shower while wearing grey sweatshirt and black sweat pants. He was drying his wet hair with towel while some droplets fall from the tip of his hair locks.

He saw Junjie by the window staring outside. Lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Guang coming out of bathroom.

"You can go now." He said as Junjie wasn't aware of his presence in the room.

"Huh? Ah-yeah." He runs into the bathroom after taking a new towel like a bunny.

Guang just stares at his disappearing figure in confusion. He smiles before smoothly sliding back his hair. He went straight to bed laying on the soft mattress. He was tired from all the traveling so he was fast asleep.

After a while, Junjie came back from shower in his night pajamas as he saw Guang sleeping soundly.

He went and settled beside him on the bed and stared at his face for a second. He extended his hand and removes one of his hair fringe from his face. His lips curves up before he happily closes his eyes.

Xiao Yuliang came back from the shower while wearing his black shirt and trousers. He stops in his way as his eyes landed on Shunxi who's sitting on the bed while wearing a white shirt and black jeans shorts. Sitting crossed leg on the edge of the bed elegantly. His jaw drops on the floor at the sight.

He was initially playing games on his phone while waiting for him. He threw his phone aside and smiled cheekily before getting up.

Yuliang stares at him while gulping down nervously. His heart thumping rapidly in his chest with each step Shunxi took towards him.

Shunxi comes dangerously close to him and wraps his arms around his neck seductively. He comes closer and closer with each second before whispering in his ear.

"Xiao Gege, now how will you escape from me?" Yuliang gets goosebumps all over his body as he closes his eyes while clenching his fist.

Shunxi backs up a little and sees his expression while smirking. Yuliang opened his eyes as they both stared at each other for a good minute.

"I'm tired now. I'm going to sleep. You should go to sleep too. We have lots of work to do tomorrow." He says in his deep velvety voice which almost made Shunxi bend his knees in submission before walking away to bed and lying down.

Shunxi humphed stomping his feet before laying on the soft mattress and staring at Yuliang's sleeping figure who's facing the other side.

Yuliang feels his stare on him and tries to ignore it while closing his eyes. Soon, they both drifted to sleep.

On the other side the two old married couple Vin Zhang & Daixu cuddled up together after discussing about their work.

Meanwhile, Jin xiao & Gan Wang Xing the two boyfriends made up after their bickering.


In morning

The sun rose as the sunlight tries to peek through the silky curtains. A sleeping beauty is resting his eyes with even breathing sounds as his chest rose and fell in a rhythm.

His pale skin glimmers while his long eyelashes rested on his cheek. The soft locks of hair fell on his forehead messily. His soft rosy lips were so alluring and the mole on his nose made it difficult for people to not stare at him. His night pajamas collars hanging loose revealing his inviting pale neck and collarbones. He was curled up in a bed like a small bunny despite his height.

Two pair of predatory eyes stares at him intensely with adoration while a soft smile appears on his face. Taking the support of his one hand he laid on the bed while staring at the sleeping beauty who was facing him.

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