Calm (N/A)

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Today, Are You Okay decided to take a trip to the beach.

Originally, it was just the two balls that were gonna be heading down there; after realizing that the Goiky Canal was, like, *right* there, going there became one of the things that they planned on doing in the near future. One of those great escapades in search of scientific knowledge that they'd get around to doing whenever there was *finally* a break in the Battle for The Power of Two. The two of them just had so many questions about that strange little body of water.

Why's it called a canal? The Goiky Canal was over 500 miles wide; if that was its length, that would seem... reasonable enough. But no, that's *width*. Given how things are usually measured, that meant the canal was, like, *way* longer. It could potentially be on the same scale as the great oceans and seas of this mysterious little world, the Earth that they've heard so much about yet knew so little. And yet it's called a canal. By definition (ie. going through Book in the rare chances they can get), that's an *artificial* waterway created with intent. It was so large, so beyond their scope and capability, and yet it was clear from the name that... *somebody* made it. Who did that? And why? Where did they go off to? What else could they do? Could they do it again?

Getting TV to come along was easy enough; being a mechanical mind, expanding the amount of information they have stored in their metal was always seen as most optimal. Getting the *others* to play along, though... They cooperated well enough during challenges; they knew that they were stuck with them for the foreseeable future, and they at least had the common sense to recognize that working against them just hurt their chances. But outside of that, the two couldn't get them to do *anything* without a whole bunch of promises and concessions. Hearing about this, the television decided to give it a shot as well; having had *some* experience as a host back in the past, he had a *slightly* better chance at convincing them to go on this misguided adventure. No, this wasn't some *lame* science excursion for nerds, this was an epic beach vacation! A chance to finally get away from the troubles of the competition. A time to breathe and relax. Wasn't that what they wanted so badly? Wasn't that *fun*?

So all of them went on their quick journey over to the Goiky Canal; again, it wasn't *as* far as they thought, and so they were able to arrive at their destination while the sun was still high in the sky. They all took a moment to take in the fresh breeze, feel the coarse, rough, and irritating sand, then promptly got to work on... whatever it was they wanted to do. GB and TB set up all their vast and expansive equipment; all sorts of devices and machines to monitor the waves crashing onto the shore, the things that lurked just beneath, and the bedrock that the whole thing rested upon. TV sat in the background, attentively watching and looking for anything that'd interest them.

Meanwhile, Eraser and Pen immediately left to goof off.

There's quite a lot one can do in this large expanse of sand: you can walk on it, jog on it, run on it, sculpt a castle or two, throw handfuls at it at your so-called 'friends', pretending as if they're a good enough substitute for snow. While the writing utensil was more than happy to go about and excitedly roam about, Eraser decided to just sit down, look at the ground, and start counting the little particles of sand. Or something. That *is* something that one can do, right? It'd be a great way to pass the time. Time that seemed to pass by quickly these days.

After a little while of just having fun, Pen ended up looking out into the vast blue horizon; the Goiky Canal stretched on and on before him, a vast expanse of water that remained a mystery that eluded them. Except for a few times, anyway. He ended up thinking about it for quite a while, their recent escapade of going down into its depths still fresh on his mind. Though they ended up spending quite a bit of time under the water, they didn't really do all that much during; they were all focused on grabbing those plates, on keeping their team safe for another day. And failing at that. Now that he's been given plenty of time to think on it, a bit of time to reflect, the allure of the place started to lure him in, made him curious in the same way that *those* two were.

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