7 || Birthday

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''Best friends make good times better and the hard times easier.''


''Hey mom, hey dad!'' Greeted Boun sitting beside Vikram.

''Hi Boun.'' ''Hello son.'' Vikram and Lilly greeted back simultaneously with a smile.

''How was your business trip to Korea?'' Boun placed a tender chicken piece in his father plate, who nodded, thanking without words.

''It was fine Son.'' Vikram smiled softly.

''But Choi's gave a pretty bad headache for both of us.'' Lilly peeled a prawn and placed infront of Boun mouth, who opened it wide with sparkling eyes.

He missed this, he missed this type of family dinner.

''Mmm, it's delicious.'' Vikram said eating the chicken piece Boun gave to him.

''I know right, you always choose bad chicken pieces dad.'' Boun smirked and winked at his mom.

''Yeah Boun. Fifty plus old man who doesn't even know to pick a chicken piece to eat.'' Lilly smiled, ganging against her own husband with her son.

''Oh come on Lilly, your son doesn't even know to peel a prawn. He is twenty five.'' Vikram pouted.

''Old man, stop pouting. He is still a kid.''

''He soon will have his own family and still he is a kid? Yeah. If you leave him he would be a father of kid.'' Vikram shook his head, pouring water in Lilly's empty glass.

''By the way Boun, how's your job? We were busy to even ask you about your job.'' Lilly asked changing the subject.

''It's ok Mom don't think much of it. I know you are busy. It's ok. And about job, it's really good. It's what I love right, even if it's tough I would still love it and enjoy it.''

''My son had grown up in to fine young man.'' Vikram smiled ruffling Boun's hair.

''Mmm... Dad, mom. Do you know what's tomorrow?''

''Tomorrow?'' Vikram paused to think. ''Yeah I remember. Lilly what did Tamaku's told about the business deal? Tomorrow we have a meeting to decide about investing in their company or withdrawing the idea. What's your thoughts about it? Should we invest?'' Vikram gulped water asking Lilly.

Boun lips formed into a thin line as he gazed at his lap with a heavy heart.

They forgot. Boun thought. Tomorrow is his birthday, apparently his parents forgot about it. But he didn't gave up and again butted in middle.

''Dad... You know, there is something else. Very important.''

''Yes, we also need to visit Mrs. Thanawat.'' Lilly said. ''And I think we need to hear Mr. Tamaku's proposal before deciding.''

''Yeah. Ok, we will hear them out.''

''Dad, mom. There's some...''

''Boun !'' Vikram cut Boun with a narrowed eyes. ''Stop being a kid. We are discussing something important right. Don't butt.''

''But dad.'' Boun sighed. ''Really, don't you remember anything other than this business meetings? Nothing else?''

''What do you want Boun.'' Lilly asked, patting Vikram's thigh giving a small nod.

''Mom, am I not important to you?'' Boun stared at the half finished plate infront of him.

''Why do you think like that Boun? Ofcourse, You are important to me, to us.'' Lilly answered without wasting a second, sensing something off with Boun.

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