10 || Stroll with love

110 18 26

''A small talk can fix a lot.''


Panick, anxiety and helplessness is the emotions rushing through his nerves as Prem stuck in the washroom of the University, when he is already ten minutes late for the seminar presentation.

Prem sat on the toilet commode with his feet tapping on the floor tiles rapidly, his head in his palms as he bit on his lip with tension, his breath coming out short and ragged from the anxiety coursing through his body.

''For fuck sake someone come to the toilet.'' He muttered under his breath, sweat beads rolled down his forehead as he sat in the toilet cubicle for god knows how long. His bag and mobile are in his locker to atleast call Sam or Natasha for help.

He checked his wrist watch for every two seconds as if some miracle will happen if he check time. It's a important seminar presentation which will add marks to his final results but here he is, stuck in the toilet, freaking like a fool.

He closed his eyes taking deep breaths to control his thoughts which are running in a negative route. A sound of door click made his ears perked up, he immediately stood on his legs and started to bang the toilet door as he shouted for help.

''Someone open this door! I'm stuck inside.''

His heart raced as fast as a formula 1 car would do, while his hands shivered with all the pent up nervousness. He can see the door being unlocked with a click sound and without wasting a second he pushed it open, only to met with the janitor.

''Thank you so much phi.'' He bowed nighty degrees before rushing out with a quick jolt towards the lockers to get his stuff.

Sliding his bag over his shoulder, he checked his mobile  which has nearly thirty missed calls from both Sam and Natasha, while running towards the presentation room. He doesn't even know how he's running this fast but his legs are working on it's own as if it as his own brain and set of nerves.

He saw Sam and Natasha sitting outside the seminar room waiting for him, who stood once they saw his figure running towards them.

''Where were you?''

''You are twenty minutes late, Prem.'' They both spoke at a time watching Prem gasp for air from the marathon he did.

''Some idiot locked the toilet I used when I was inside. I'll explain everything later, let me go and talk with lecturers and finish my seminar.'' Prem said inbetween gasps.

''Yeah, fine. We'll wait here.'' Natasha gave a small reassuring smile even though her eyes betrayed the brave facade she put on, which showed a flicker of panic.

With a nod, Prem pushed the doors of the seminar room praying to all angles up above for a positive response from lecturers.

''Mr. Warut, you are twenty minutes late.'' Spoke the lecturer Nodt who sat along with two other lecturer's inside the seminar room.

''I'm sorry Ajarn Nodt. I was..''

''No excuses Warut. As a university  student, you should have discipline and time sense. You lack both. We won't accept nor listen to your seminar. Your marks will be deduced.'' Nodt spoke in a stern voice without even hearing Prem's explanation. ''You may leave.'' After saying what he had to say, Nodt began to flip through the papers infront of him and indulged himself in a conversation with his colleagues.

Exhaling sharply, Prem turned on his heels and walked out of the room with heavy heart. While his brain replayed everything that had happened from the morning with many what if's. What if he had woke up on correct time, what if he had met Sam or Natasha before rushing to toilet and what if he kept his mobile with him than keeping it in locker like a fool. Even if he think everything thousand times nothing is going to change but it's just the human tendency to repeat every scene from the start and make scenarios in different way to change what had already happened. That's what Prem is doing right now as he slumped on chair beside Sam and Natasha who are patting in shoulder to assure him.

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