6 || Love

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''I wish I could explain how your eyes and how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies. How your smile makes my heart skip a bit and how every time I am with you, I feel so complete.''


Just like how he thought, his brain has been playing the same words. It really hurted. Whenever those words echoed in his ears, simultaneously there's a sting in his heart. Prem sighed and as he continued to work with a slouched body.

''Prem.'' The said man jumped after being called. He knew who that was, with a thumping heart Prem hummed while wiping dirt on his pants.

''I know that what I said is not..''

''Ajarn!'' Prem butted before Boun can finish his words. ''I can understand why those words slipped from you. I also know you didn't mean to hurt me and I already forgot about it and I think you should also forget.'' Lied Prem. He forgave Boun but he didn't forgot the words which are still echoing in his ears.

''You forgave me?''

''Yes and I was never mad at you.'' Smiled Prem.

''Then would you accompany me to Rayong?'' Boun stared at Prem reaction. Whose eyes frowned with confusion but slowly red colour spread on his ear tips which made Boun to smile internally.

''Rayong?'' Repeated Prem.

''Yeah, there's a Ducati manufacturing unit in Rayong and as an apology I want to take you there.''

Prem eyes went wide, ''No need for it Ajarn.'' He declined.

''If you have really forgiven me, then please accept.'' Pleaded Boun. He felt guilty all the day and he can't bare with it anymore.

''But...., hmm'' agreed Prem with a hum. He can't say no to Boun when he added please. God, even when Boun managed to maintain a poker face, Prem can clearly see guilt floating in those caramel eyes and it's enough to melt him. Scratch that, Boun stare or glance is enough is to make Prem all mushy. Boun is the fire which melts Prem.

Did Prem ever saw Boun smiling?

Till now, No.

.Boun is the most handsome man he ever saw. But jesus, when his lips stretched into a small smile and those carmel eyes shined with happiness, Prem knows he is doomed for life.

Goosebumps made their way on Prem's nape making hairs on his nape to stand erect. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach making him weak and his legs wobbled just by a small smile of Boun. Prem got know that what it feels like falling and floating at a same time. He fell for the poker faced man in front of him, at the same time his heart floated in clouds with happiness. A squeal urged to slip from his lips which he refrained. He want to jump in happiness, he want to run and spin around. He is floating in air. Prem for the first time felt the magic of feeling called love.

''Then I'll pick you, this weekend.'' Boun interrupted Prem's thoughts with his voice.

Prem just nodded his head, he don't want to trust his voice right now. With a nod Boun excused himself.


''God, why are smiling? It was good at first but now you are creeping me.'' Said Sam staring at Prem who was smiling to himself. They are now sitting on a bench in university garden.

Today is their first day of second semester.

''Oh god Prem, by any chance you gone mad?'' Sam cried and hugged Prem.

Revving hearts || BounPrem ||Where stories live. Discover now