9 || A touch of sexual tension

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''Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say sorry and even more stronger person to forgive.''


Prem rolled pen inbetween his fingers, answer sheet infront of him is untouched. He looked around, everyone held their head low as they scribbled answers on the sheets, but here he is, sitting ideally, with choas in mind and heart.

He lifted his hand running his long, slender fingers through his black and brown hairs. He is frustrated and hurt. Frustrated at how he wasn't able to concentrate on the exam and hurt as his brain kept on replaying the scene with Boun. On top of everything, he don't know what's the condition and problem of his mother's health issue, as they shoved him out of the hospital after dropping them, just so he can study for his semester exam. But, all he did was overthink and over analyse what the hell he did wrong for such harsh words.

With a deep breath, Prem shook those hurricane of thoughts away and concentrated on the exam and began to fill the white paper with blue ink. Everything can wait, but time in exam hall doesn't. This is what he loved all of his life and he need to ace every exam he will write, so he can get selected to the masters degree program in his final year. He planned every aspect of his college life, how to earn each penny to complete his degree and how to get a seat in abroad to complete his masters which will be taking him a step closure to his ultimate dream of designing his own bike.

But god had different plans. He shoved feelings in middle of his plans, disturbing everything, like how a small pebble disturbs the calm water with a small contact, making the whole system chaotic with waves. Boun. Just a name, just a person, just son of a billionaire, just a lecturer, just owner of a mechanic shop, just a twenty five years old man. But, that just, so called person, made his heart a chaotic organ. Made it to race in a marathon, made it to skip its beat, made his whole system rush with hormones, made him experience love.

He bit his bottom lip to control himself to not cry once again. His eyes stung with un-shed tears. He exhaled through his mouth and inhaled to calm his heart. He wrote all the answers as fast as he can and submitted his paper before running to garden of the university.

Prem searched for a tree where he can be alone and set his bag beside him, leaning his head on to the trunk as he sat cross legged. Closing his eyes, he submitted himself to the darkness and felt the cold breeze hitting his face, the birds chirping above his head with the soft sounds of grass and leaves swinging to air made a beautiful and melodious music which calmed his brain. A gentle smile formed on his lips as he immersed himself in the nature. Nature has the power to heal anything, it repairs something which she never broke. It welcomes everyone with wide open arms and it did same to Prem.

His lips stretched into a big smile enjoying the nature with his eyes closed, he hugged himself as he rubbed his forearms.

His eyebrows twitched in to a frown as he felt some one's presence beside him which made his eyes to flutter open, as he saw the person sitting beside him, his eyed went wide and the chaos which he just came out of embraced him once again.

''Ajarn?'' Prem whispered as if he can't belive Boun's presence beside him.

''Hmm..'' Boun hummed, leaning on to the tree as he tilted his head to look at Prem with guilty expression.

Prem licked his lips, gulping saliva as he felt his mouth going dry at the close proximity between them. The silence surrounding them is awkward and uncomfortable.

''I..'' Boun took a deep breath as he paused before speaking. ''I'm sorry Prem. I didn't mean what I spoke.''

''Oh.. Hmm..'' Prem stared at Boun's face for further explanation of his sudden out burst.

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