Chatting + Tea

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"Tell me you've brought good news, Nathalie?"

Nathalie stands with her hands locked together in front of her and her eyes fixed on the floor beneath her. The supreme sits on a chair located behind a very large desk. His feet and legs are on top of the desk, and he's got a cigar in between his fingers. The smoke that emerges from the cigar is enough to cloud the entire room.

"I've met him already, and we talked," Nathalie begins, "I think he was happy that I wasn't afraid of him." She says with a small smirk on her lips.

"Hmph, I knew that hero was an idiot." The supreme replies with an amused tone. His voice is so deep and harsh, and it almost echoes in the very dim room.

Nathalie finally decides to look up and take a look at The supreme's amused face, she can see all the hatred falling from his eyes as he speaks about Betterfly.

"He hoped we could see each other again soon." Nathalie takes a few steps towards the desk keeping her eyes on the man in front of her, hoping he doesn't explode for what she's about to communicate next.
"I took him to the apartment complex where one of your properties is located."
The supreme immediately gets to his feet, shock evident on his face as he hears Nathalie's words.
"You did what?!" He yells very loudly as he quickly begins to approach her.
His extremely hard grip on her arm silents her words immediately. The supreme's face is so close to hers that she can see how angry he has suddenly become.
"Why would you take him to my property Nathalie, are you crazy?!" He brings her down with the force of his hand, and she can already feel the start of a bruise forming on her arm.
"He wanted to take me home..." Nathalie replies with a harsh breath, "and I thought that if I took him to 'my home' then he would know where to look for me, and we could keep in contact." The supreme lets go of her, and Nathalie falls to the ground as she tightly holds onto the spot that his hand had just been.
"I think it would be a good idea if I make him believe that that is where I live, and then we could become 'friends' from there."

The supreme observes her for a few moments then he very gently extends his hand so she can take it and stand up.
"I guess, that's not that of a bad idea." He says as he begins to lift up her sleeve and look at the damage he's done.
"I want this done quickly and I want this done right, so do what you have to do, but bring me those miraculous." And then he very slowly grabs her face and presses a very soft kiss to the almost corner of her mouth.


Nathalie leans on the cool glass of the sliding door that leads to the balcony of the supreme's apartment. The apartment complex is nice and his apartment is well furnished and cozy for who it belongs to.
She's brought a few of her belongings into the home to make sure that if Betterfly ever enters, he doesn't suspect a thing.

Nathalie's got a feeling Betterfly will be here soon. She didn't tell him the apartment number or the floor number, so if he shows up he's most likely just going to stand outside.

As she stands there, Nathalie recalls her first encounter with the superhero. Her heart still sinks a bit as she realizes how close to death she actually was. But there's something in her that stirs around when she recalls his soft eyes, and tender words. The way his arms wrapped so tightly around her when he rescued her, and how the mellow of his voice was so very enchanting.

Nathalie watches her reflection on the glass door smile, and she thinks she's actually going insane, so she quickly shakes her head and walks herself towards the kitchen to prepare herself a cup of tea. She moves around the kitchen trying her best to focus her thoughts on how she'll end the hero, and hoping to be able to complete her given task soon.


Nathalie goes back towards the large sliding doors, and she can almost feel the air leaving her lungs as she realizes that Betterfly is standing outside the apartment building.
He seems to have something in his hand, but given the very far distance, she isn't able to perceive it very well.

Nathalie very quickly puts on her coat and shoes, and runs outside to meet the hero.


As soon Nathalie exits the building's front doors Betterfly immediately notices her and begins to approach her.
"Nathalie..." he starts with a sheepish tone, "you saw me...?"
Nathalie smiles at him, and simply nods her head at his question. Then he extends his right hand and hands her a red rose.
"I brought this for you... I hope you like it..." and there's a blush on her cheeks, and she looks so mesmerized by his words and actions that she can't seem to keep her eyes on his.
"Thank you." She finally replies while looking at the rose in her hand.

"What are you doing here?" Nathalie finally asks.
"Well, I did tell you that I hoped we could see each other soon, and from what I recall you agreed."
Nathalie giggles at his response, and looks at him once more.
"Well, I'm glad you're here," she says, "as a thank you for your courageous act, and for saving my life, I'd love to invite you for tea."

Nathalie begins to walk towards the building's entrance, but soon realizes that Betterfly is just standing in his same spot.

"Are you not coming?" She asks with a puzzled look on her face, but he doesn't respond and simply observes her for a few moments.

"Come on." She says as she begins to move her hand signalizing him to follow her.


Betterfly and Nathalie sit at the dining table with tea and cookies in front of them.

"So why did you decide to become a superhero, especially in a place like Paris where most people don't believe in superheroes?"

Betterfly takes a sharp breath before responding, he supposed Nathalie would ask this question sooner or later.

"Many years ago, I made very bad decisions and I hurt those who I loved, and I realized that the only way to be better is by helping and trying to protect others, and by trying to bring hope to the people around me."

Nathalie looks at him, and she can see the obvious emotion in his eyes as he speaks, she supposes that he is referring to his dead wife.

"But how do you maintain your hope, if people don't trust you?"

"Hope is all I have left, and I can't lose that when I've already lost so much." Betterfly looks at her and his eyes seem to transmit so much as his words invade her ears. "I'm so glad I found someone else who trusts me."
Guilt sits at the pit of her stomach as she hears those soft words. Nathalie doesn't know why his words seem to affect her so much, she shouldn't be feeling like this at all. But yet, she can't shake that feeling away.

But there's also something that Betterfly has just said that has caught her attention,
"Someone else?"
And Nathalie can see the immediate realization in his face as he notices what he's just said.

"I've others that trust me and also believe in me... like you do... and they also wish to help me with my goals."

"Others?" Nathalie asks.

"Yes... others that wish for a better Paris, and they've actually created a resistance group with me."
This is news to her, now Nathalie knows that there are others working with Betterfly, and she knows that their goal is to end The supreme.

"Well, I'd love to join this resistance team." Nathalie says with a soft smile as she reaches for his hands and wraps them around her own.

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