New Plan of Action

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The sheets of the mattress are only able to conceal her nudity because the shame and guilt that she is currently feeling are quite literally consuming her.

Gabriel Agreste lies on his side, sleeping very innocently, and completely unaware of the monster beside him. Because that's what Nathalie feels like, a true monster. She hates what she's doing, and what she's done, and every minute that passes makes her feel worse.

She very carefully gets off the bed, trying her best not to wake him up, and quickly goes for the nightie located at the foot of the bed. Nathalie watches him shift a little as she puts it on, but he doesn't wake up. She smiles a bit, as she watches his sleepy dreamy face, but it's always the guilt that takes over her that doesn't allow her to luxuriate in these blissful moments.


Nathalie looks at the scattered pieces of clothing found on the bedroom floor. She first collects her own clothes, and places it on top of one of the drawers in the room. She then goes for Gabriel's clothes. She begins by picking up his pants, extremely careful not to make sound with the belt still attached to them, and then places them next to her own clothing. She then goes for the gray suit vest and the scarf and places them on top of the pants.

She stands completely motionless, staring at the light purple shirt still on the floor. She just knows the brooch is attached to that shirt, and she wants to grab it but she's afraid he might wake up.
Nathalie looks at Gabriel, examining his sleeping face, trying to make sure he is truly asleep, before doing anything else. After a few moments of pure stillness, Nathalie walks towards the shirt and very carefully leans down to look at it.

When she finally gets her hands on it, she quickly straightens it out, and immediately finds a small purple gemstone attached to the top of it. Nathalie stares at it, she knows it's the butterfly miraculous in camouflage mode, it's so close to her yet she doesn't feel brave enough to actually get her hands on it. Her heart is pounding so fast that it is literally making her nauseous, and she thinks she'll actually vomit, but she tries her best to keep her composure.
Taking a few deep and quiet breaths, Nathalie very gently passes the tips of her fingers over the jewel, and she almost feels her heart skip a beat at the action.

"Nathalie?" Gabriel's husky voice sounds, and it startles her completely.
"Gabriel..." she says, looking up and trying to show the most calm activity possible.
There seems to be slight confusion on his face as he looks at her still slouched over next to his shirt. But Nathalie quickly attempts to salvage the situation, by swiftly getting to her feet and placing the shirt next to the other pieces of clothing.

"I was picking up our clothes." She finally tells him.
And there's a slight blush to his cheeks that she can't ignore, but she doesn't say anything else.

Nathalie only grabs his clothes and brings it to him, hoping he doesn't suspect a thing from her.

"Thank you." He says and before she can turn away he swiftly grabs her wrist and brings her low so their lips can meet in a very lazy kiss.


Betterfly stands on the balcony of her apartment, not wanting to leave, but also being very aware of how late it is.
He runs his fingers through her hair one last time, and gives her forehead a soft kiss, and all Nathalie can do is close her eyes and soak into his touch. When she opens her eyes again, she finds the brooch glinting in her direction, and it's almost like it's mocking her because it feels so close to her, yet so unreachable.

"Today was amazing, thank you for everything, Nathalie."
And she feels like she can almost forget everything by just listening to his voice.
Nathalie grabs his gloved hand and allows her lips to run through his fingers before letting their lips meet again in a very soft kiss.
"Thank you, Gabriel, for everything."
And that's it, he's gone, jumping off her balcony and disappearing into the dark night.

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