First Encounter

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Nathalie sits on a bench located in a mostly solitary park.

As she sits there, she recalls the conversation she had with The Supreme. The man wants her to trick Betterfly into thinking that she wants to help him, and become his friend. The Supreme has left it up to her to figure out how she'll get close to him, and how she will steal the miraculous.

Nathalie begins to gather the little information she knows about Betterfly. She is aware that Betterfly's goal is to put an end to The Supreme.
From what she has observed, Betterfly always tries to help people, as he attempts to gain their trust. Nathalie knows that he wants people's trust, and he wishes people would stop being afraid of him.

Nathalie also supposes that he is the husband of 'Ella' the woman who stole the two miraculous from them. She assumes Ella is dead by now, given that she most likely used the broken peacock miraculous to create herself a child.


As Nathalie analyzes what she knows about Betterfly, she also thinks about a way she will get close to him in order to accomplish her given task.

After a great deal of thinking, she considers the best way to get close to him is by making him believe that she is not afraid of him, and unlike most people in Paris, she actually believes in him. Nathalie will convince him that she trusts him and from there she'll start a friendship with the hero.

Nathalie knows, that the people of Paris do not believe in superheroes and that they are actually afraid of Betterfly. With all the terror that Shadybug and Claw Noir have inflicted around Paris, people simply view Betterfly as another villain, and as somebody they should fear. And Nathalie knows that if she shows that she isn't afraid of him, she'll be able to gain his trust immediately.


Nathalie is aware that with the butterfly miraculous, Betterfly senses others' emotions and that he is able to detect when a person is in distress or in need of assistance.

So she comes to the conclusion that the best way to come in contact with Betterfly is by putting herself in immediate danger, in hopes that he'll come to her rescue.


Nathalie walks across the edges of the top of the Eiffel Tower. Her steps are slow and steady as she makes her way to one end and back to the other continuously. It's late at night, and she frankly isn't sure how long she's been pacing back and forth, all she knows is that the floor beneath her is wet and slippery.

Since she started walking, she has been mentally preparing herself for what she is about to do.
She knows her entire plan is insane, and that she could potentially lose her life here, but frankly falling to her death is better than anything The Supreme were to do to her if she were to fail this task, so Nathalie continues walking.

Nathalie begins to very slowly lean herself against the railing beside her. She can feel how cold and slippery it is as she starts to slide her left hand across it. Her feet begin to get closer to the edge, as she begins to fully push her body against the railing. Her heart is beating so fast, as she looks down and sees how high up she actually is.

After a great deal of pacing back and forth, Nathalie finally pushes her entire body over the railing, and her feet finally abandon the floor. She is physically hanging off the railing as her hands tightly clutch onto it. Nathalie hangs there, as adrenaline officially begins to invade her system. Her feet swing back and forth, as she begins to prepare her vocal cords for the screaming she is about to do.

"Help! Somebody help me!" She yells.
"Ahhh! Help..., Please..., Somebody help me!" Nathalie screams once again.

Nathalie screams over and over again. Her voice begins to sound hoarse as she howls, but there is no sign of the hero.

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