Love confession

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Nathalie looks at herself in the mirror as she finishes applying blush to her already pink cheeks.

She examines her face, and feels a little ridiculous with how she is preparing herself for this date.

Nathalie's never been on a date before. She's never been asked out, nobody's ever given her flowers, or chocolates, or any of the things she supposes a man does when he likes a woman.
Betterfly's been the first person ever to give her a rose, and the memory alone makes her heart melt all over again. She takes a very deep breath as she recalls the day he gave her that rose, and she realizes that the hero captured her heart almost instantly.

Nathalie opens the drawer beside her, and takes out a small notebook. She opens the page to where she knows the rose is located, and stares at it like she's done everyday since Betterfly gave it to her.
The red rose is dead, but it's still so beautiful and she thinks she could never dispose of it because that simple rose is the nicest thing she's ever been gifted.

Her heart aches every time she recalls his kindness and... her evilness. Sometimes she thinks she won't be able to continue this anymore. Betterfly doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve what Nathalie is doing to him.

But she can't end this, because she knows The supreme would end her life immediately if she even tried to. She thinks he would kill her if he even knew her thoughts at all. Nathalie wishes she could run away, and escape all of this, but she simply can't. She knows that wherever she would go, The Supreme would find her, she wouldn't ever be able to hide from him.
Nathalie is trapped and there's nothing she can do but continue what she's already started.

She looks at the flower for a bit longer then she leans down and presses a quick kiss to it and finally puts the notebook away.


Nathalie exits her bedroom and quickly makes her way across the very long hallways. She eventually makes it to the living area, and walks straight to the front door. As soon as she reaches for the knob a certain voice startles her out of her actions immediately,

"You're leaving already?"

She swiftly turns around to find The supreme sitting on a sofa with a glass of scotch in his right hand. He's swirling the glass around in his hand causing the large ice cubes to move around with the motion. Nathalie looks at the liquor inside the glass for a moment, and then at him. She can't say she is surprised to find the man drinking so early in the afternoon, this has always been his daily/nightly routine. He always drinks either wine or liquor throughout the day or before going to bed. Nathalie has never known him not to do that.

"I'm going to meet with the hero, sir."

"You're going to meet up with the hero." He repeats as he continues to swirl the drink in his hand.
The supreme observes her for a moment then he puts the glass down, and gets to his feet. He strides towards her, and Nathalie stiffens a little at that. As he approaches her, Nathalie can tell he is slightly drunk, and she can already feel her insides tighten a little.

"Why are you all dressed up?" He asks, looking at her up and down.
Now her heart is beating very fast, as he continues looking at her. She's got a simple white long dress with flats on. Nathalie really isn't 'all dressed up' but given that she hardly wears dresses, she sees why he thinks she looks overly dressed.

"I just..."
She can't tell him the truth, so she immediately begins to stutter. Thankfully he interrupts her by waving his hand in the air, attempting to dismiss her words.
"Just bring me those miraculous, that's all I want."
And that's it, he's gone, moving away from her, and disappearing into the long hallway.

Nathalie watches him walk away, and she takes a very deep and relieved breath. Once she is sure he is completely gone, she finally exits the front door.

Love in Another Universe (Gabenath)Where stories live. Discover now