Confessed feelings

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Nathalie eventually looks away from the hero's shocked eyes.

She runs her hands through her overly warm cheeks, as she begins to realize what she's done.

Nathalie has just kissed Betterfly, and he ... he kissed her back.

She isn't looking at him, but she can still feel his intense gaze on her. Nathalie turns around as if that will help her feel less foolish. She feels so dumb and so extremely ashamed, that she wishes the ground would open up and swallow her whole.
Her eyes are still wet from the tears she's just shed, but her cheeks are still so hot that she can only imagine how red her face is.

She wants nothing more than to run away from this place, and curl up in a ball in pure embarrassment. She thinks that if mortification could kill, she'd be dead by now.


Betterfly's hands are so gentle on her shoulders that she barely feels them, given how fast her mind and heart are running, but they're there offering her comfort, comfort that she does not deserve.

"Nathalie?" He calls out in an equally gentle voice.
She doesn't respond, she can't.

"Nathalie, please look at me... you don't need to be embarrassed."

He's so nice, why is he so nice?

Nathalie finally turns around and immediately sees the softness in his eyes. Those eyes that have almost hypnotized her since the first day she met him. Those eyes that have done nothing, but look at her with affection and attentiveness.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me. Please don't think...", but Nathalie isn't able to finish because the smile she sees forming on his lips takes her by surprise completely.

"Shh, you don't have to say anything." Betterfly responds, as he delicately presses his index finger on top of her pink lips.


Betterfly feels now is the best time to tell her what he has been wanting to say for weeks now. She kissed him, and that makes him think that maybe she too feels something for him, something that goes beyond friendship. He thinks that maybe now is the best moment to tell her what his heart has been feeling, since the day he met her.

He very gently takes a hold of her arm, and guides her to a small sitting area located in the lair. They both take a seat, and Betterfly works up the courage to reveal what his heart has been feeling these past weeks.

"When my wife left, I felt like my heart left with her too. I loved her so much and I cried almost everyday after she disappeared. I thought I could never find someone to fill the void in my heart... but I think I was wrong, I did find someone who fills the loneliness in me... and that person is you, Nathalie."

There's so much tenderness and fondness in his voice and his expression. Nathalie almost feels like she is floating, she truly can't comprehend the hero's kindness.

"I never thought I'd be able to find comfort for my deserted soul, well not until I met you. I love spending time with you and being in your sole presence is enough to feel at peace.


Nathalie has never heard someone speak to her in such a loving way. No one has ever expressed such nice feelings towards her, and no one has ever made her feel special... not until she met Betterfly.

Her mind can't comprehend his kindness and gentleness. Her entire life has been sadness and loneliness, and all she's ever known is suffering and evilness. The world has shown her true cruelty, but Betterfly has shown her true compassion.
No one's ever shown her warmth like Betterfly. The closest compassion and friendliness Nathalie has ever encountered is The Supreme's. He's the only other person that has been kind to her, but now that she has met Betterfly, Nathalie has realized that The Supreme is cruel, and any type of 'kindness' he has shown isn't real.

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