Final battle

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Betterfly and Nathalie walk into a long alleyway and towards a service door leading into a very tall building. Gabriel unlocks the door, allowing them to enter.
Once they're inside, Nathalie looks around and notices a lot of empty cardboard boxes and unused machines. Gabriel told her that this used to be one of the factories that manufactured many of his products, but that it was later abandoned because it was too small.


They're here because they believe they've finally found the guardians of the temple in Tibet. When Nathalie told him about what she knew of The Supreme's past, Gabriel knew he had to find the guardians of the temple. He contacted Alya and gave her all the information he had, hoping she could help them locate those guardians.

Today, Alya told him that she believes she's found them, and that they're ready to meet him. Betterfly didn't want to meet those supposed guardians in his lair, after all he isn't sure if they truly are who they say to be, and he can't take any chances. He's told Alya to be extremely careful, and that she is not to come into close contact with them, he doesn't want to put her in more risk than she's already allowed herself to be in.

Nathalie and Gabriel patiently wait for the individuals to arrive, hoping that this is soon the end of everything.


The sound of footsteps in the alleyway alerts them that someone is about to enter the building.
Two individuals enter the room in which Betterfly and Nathalie await. They seem confused, but also extremely vigilant to their surroundings.

"Hello." greets one of the men.
"My name is Grand Master Su-Han, and this is Master Fu. We are the guardians in the temple located in Tibet."

Betterfly takes a few steps back, cautiously observing them. They're older men, dressed in red and brown guardian monk suits, one of them holding a wooden staff.

"How do I know you are really the guardians of the temple? Betterfly asks them.

Master Su-Han tilts the wooden staff in his hand, showing both Nathalie and Betterfly the glowing red orb in the top. It has a compass, and the needle inside points north.

"This is the magical staff which allows me to track the miracle box. But it seems Jun has casted the protective spell over the box, and we haven't been able to determine the box's exact location. I only know it's here in Paris."

"Jun?" Nathalie asks, confusion evident on her face.

"Yes, Jun Chen is the man who stole the miracle box from the temple." responds Master Fu.

Nathalie is left in absolute shock. So many years living with The Supreme, and she never knew his name.

"How did he steal the box and why?" Betterfly questions, he needs answers before proceeding any further.

"Jun was only fifteen, but extremely greedy. When he found out he wasn't chosen to be the guardian of the miracle box, he created a sentimonster using the peacock miraculous. He destroyed the temple, killing many of the people there, and then ran off with the box. We've been looking for him since."

Betterfly and Nathalie look at each other with obvious shock in their eyes. Although Nathalie's seen The Supreme kill people, she never imagined he started committing such heinous crimes at such a young age.

"The young lady that contacted us told us she had information about him." Master Fu says as his eyes wander onto the brooch pinned on Betterfly's chest.

"How did you get the butterfly miraculous?" He asks the hero.
Gabriel is still very skeptical, but he knows he needs to also seem trustworthy if these men truly are the guardians.
"My wife... she came in contact with him and she was able to take two miraculous from him, and this."
Betterfly says as he retrieves the grimoire from a bag, and both men gasp in surprise when they see the book. Seeing the grimoire gives them the certainty that they are close to the miracle box and The Supreme.

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