Secrets uncovered

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Nathalie's heart beats fast in her chest at the knowledge of the magical jewel's location. Mullo has just told her where the miraculous is hidden, which means that she can take it and finally give it to The Supreme.

She knows Mullo cannot give her the miraculous so she'll have to grab it herself. The problem is that she doesn't know how she'll get there without Gabriel noticing, and she isn't sure how difficult it will be to unlock that safe.

Nathalie looks at the jewel around her neck and then at the kwami, and thinks she's got a better chance of succeeding if she transforms. But as she's about to recite the magic words that will give her the miraculous power, she hears a sudden knock on the door.

"Nathalie?" She hears Gabriel's voice calling from the other side.
"Are you in there?"
She quickly signals for Mullo to hide back inside her bag, and begins to put away the makeup products she was just using.
"Nathalie?" She hears him call again, but she doesn't respond. A sudden wave of panic hits her and she suddenly begins to feel trapped.
Nathalie notices how he begins to move the knob in an attempt to get inside and discover why she's hiding from him.
"Nathalie, are you okay?" He asks again, this time his voice is a little more agitated.
"Yes..." she finally replies, "I'm coming... I'm so sorry, I just wanted to use the restroom."
"Oh, I'm sorry," he responds in a relieved tone "I'll let you use the bathroom."

Gabriel walks back to the bed to take a seat and waits for Nathalie.


When Nathalie finally leaves the bathroom, Gabriel quickly gets to his feet and walks towards her.
She feels embarrassed that she scared him because she took so long to respond, and she thinks he'll be upset with her for that. But when Gabriel finally gets to her, all he does is embrace her and bring her close to his chest.
His arms wrap around her in a comforting hug and her head rests on his bare chest allowing her to feel the warmth of his skin.

"I'm sorry." She says in a sheepish tone.
But all Gabriel does is stroke her back, and plant small kisses to the top of her head.
After a few moments he takes a few steps back so he can finally meet her gaze.
"No need to apologize, I just panicked a little when I called and you wouldn't respond, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."
"You didn't," she says, "I'm sorry I scared you like that."
Gabriel doesn't respond and only leans down to give her lips a soft kiss.


Gabriel looks at the time and realizes that Adrien will be home soon. He turns and looks at Nathalie seated on his bed and the sight is enough to make him want to trap her there and kiss her until the sun comes down. He wishes she could stay here forever, and be able to sleep beside her every single night, but he's also very aware that Adrien won't take her presence lightly.

Adrien has always shown his distaste for any woman that has tried to get near him. He lives attached to the memory of his mother, and has been bitter with Gabriel because he doesn't live stuck in the past, wishing for her return.


Gabriel looks at Nathalie and takes a very deep breath, afraid of saying what he needs to tell her. He's afraid of disappointing her, or making her think he isn't taking her seriously.

After a few moments of silence, Gabriel finally takes a seat next to her and gains the courage to say what he needs to tell her.

"My son will be home soon." He says.
Nathalie looks at him, and quickly notices the uneasiness in his eyes.
"He will?" She replies with a bit of confusion.
"Yes... and I would love for you to meet him, but I know Adrien won't take..."
"Adrien?" She suddenly says, interrupting him.
"Yes... that's my son's name, Adrien."
Nathalie doesn't respond, and only lets Gabriel continue speaking.
"I want to prepare Adrien before introducing him to you... he still hurts over his mother... and I don't know how he'll react to 'us'... you understand, don't you?"
"Yes, I do." And she only leans in and gives him a warm hug.

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