Confused feelings

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Gabriel lies wide awake on his bed, as he stares into the ceiling above him.

It's late at night, he should be sleeping by now, but frankly it's useless. He's been turning and tossing for the past hours, so he's got no other alternative but to stare into space.

Gabriel knows exactly why he's like this. He's got his mind on a certain person, a person that has suddenly invaded his brain and system, and he certainly can't and... doesn't want to stop thinking about.


It's been exactly a month since he met Nathalie.

Gabriel has seen her every day since the first time he laid eyes on her. Seeing her and spending time with her is like medicine for his lonely heart. He's not sure what she's got, but every time he sees her, he knows he's got to see her again and again, and again, no matter what.

Gabriel thinks that just maybe it can be the blueness of her eyes. Nathalie's jewel-like eyes seem to transmit so much, and he finds himself wanting to see them each time. Or maybe it's the softness of her hands. His hands as Betterfly are gloved, but that doesn't prevent him from feeling the softness and delicateness of her hands, and every time they touch he can almost feel an electric current going up and down his spine. Gabriel also thinks it can be the sweet smell of her hair. There's a scent that emerges from her, that almost seems to have him under a spell, but he doesn't mind that, all Gabriel wants is to be near her.
And all Gabriel is aware of is that Nathalie is perfect.


Gabriel is a lonely man. His wife is dead and his son...
Well the boy is very troubled, and it doesn't matter how much Gabriel tries to get close to him, Adrien shuts him out each time.

Therefore Gabriel is lonely, and he's realized that his only company is Nathalie, the woman he rescued.

After so much thinking, he finally sits up and leans the back of his head against the headboard. There's a silly smile across his lips, as he continues to think about her... about Nathalie

"You seem oddly happy."
Nooroo's high pitch voice snaps him out of his thoughts immediately.

Gabriel swiftly moves his head away from the headboard to meet the kwami's eyes.

"What?" Gabriel finally asks.
"You seem happy, Gabriel." Nooroo repeats.
"Why did you say I seem 'oddly happy'?"

Nooroo flutters in front of his holder as he exams his face. Sometimes he thinks his holder forgets he is the kwami of transmission, and therefore he is able to feel others emotions. Nooroo has realized that Gabriel definitely likes Nathalie and that his feelings for her are going beyond friendship.

"You've got a smile on your face that seems odd given how late it is and you haven't slept at all, never mind all the things that are happening with your son and in your life as a superhero."

Gabriel smiles at the kwami, as he runs his hands on his suddenly flustered cheeks.
"First of all you know we haven't fought Shadybug and Claw Noir in about a month, and you also know who I've been seeing for the past month..."

The kwami seems to take a deep breath as he hears his holder's words. He can't say he doesn't feel happy that Gabriel has found someone to spend time with, but this also brings worries for the small being.

"I'm happy that you've found company in her, but I can't say I'm not worried, Gabriel. You have informed her about the resistance and you have even allowed her to join..."
"I know, I know Nooroo." Gabriel suddenly says, interrupting the kwami.
Gabriel is aware that he has now involved someone else in his mission to find an end to The supreme. He thinks that maybe he should've never allowed the resistance team to begin, but Alya and Nino have shown true heroism and loyalty. And now Nathalie has shown that she isn't afraid of him and that she trusts him, and that gives him hope that soon the people of Paris will also trust him.

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