Chapter 14

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Jisoo POV:

It's been a week since me and Taehyung broke up, and honestly I felt horrible. Before, all I wished was for him to be alive, and he is. But it doesn't feel like that to me. Ever since we broke up, he wasn't even talking to me or even trying to. I wanted to talk to him badly now. But I can't. 

Lisa, Jungkook, and Eunwoo were shocked to hear the news. They never expected this, and neither did I. But today Jimin and Eunwoo were leaving to America-along with Taehyung. He had to go back since he got his memories back and he had a whole company to run there. I didn't even know what to say after Eunwoo told me.  He wanted me to come with them and he even asked me. But I said no. What was I supposed to do there? I'm not even with Taehyung here. But when I think about that statement over and over again, it really hurts me. 

We were so very perfect when he was just the Kim Taehyung I knew. But ever since "V" came into the picture, my brain hasn't been it's normal way. I didn't even know why. It felt like me approaching a whole different person, a person who wasn't the Taehyung I knew. I wanted some time to think about it and my brain was saying to break up. But now I wish I never followed it. 

"Jisoo" Lisa came into my room.  "Are you good?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "They are leaving today" She quietly said.  I looked out my bedroom window trying very hard not to cry. My eyes were already filling up with tears with the thought of Taehyung leaving. "Yea" I softly said still looking out the window. "Do you want to go to airport and say a goodbye atleast?" She asked softly. I shaked my head as a no. I can't go there to say a goodbye. I can't see Taehyung leaving me.  

"Please" She said pleading me. "Don't stop yourself from going" I said, still not looking at her. I looked out the window and saw the cab had arrived. "It's not like that" She said. I looked at her and saw tears in her eyes. She was going to miss them badly, I just know it. "Who are you mad at Jisoo? Taehyung? Because I don't think he had done anything wrong" Lisa said raising her voice a little. I didn't respond to her. I was already very tired. My entire body felt weak, physically and mentally. She came closer to me. "Hey, I'm sorry, I just don't understand" She said. 

It made sense that she couldn't understand because neither can I. I looked at the window again and saw all of them loading the bags. It's just going to be me, Lisa and Jungkook here. Lisa looked at the window as well. "They're going to be gone for four years" She said softly. My eyes widened. 4 years without them? 

"4 years?" I said more liking shouting a little bit. "Yeah" She replied. "Think about it Jisoo. You won't see Taehyung for another 4 years. It's like you both will maybe forget each other. I'm not trying to hurt you more, but I think you should clear things up." She said. 

What is there to clear up? I guess we are over. Just then I saw Taehyung looking at me through the window. I looked back. We were staring for a while at each other. Again tears were filling my eyes. 

"Hey. It doesn't matter if he's V, it doesn't matter if he was the guy who left you broken in the past. You know why? Because he's Kim Taehyung now. The past doesn't matter. You were happy with him. Actually more than happy. Even though I haven't seen you then, I can guarantee that you smiled more here than you did there. And that's because you love him. There hasn't been a single moment where you hadn't. I guessed it from the beginning. And seeing you almost crying right now when he is leaving tells me you can't even stay a minute without him. I want you to be happy. I want him to be happy as well. He's never been this happy before and I know that. It feels really good to see him laughing and smiling thanks to you. I don't understand why you were confused or why you broke up, and that doesn't matter know. What matters is you love him. You fucking love Taehyung and you should go before he leaves you again like before" She said without taking a break. 

I was already crying right now. But everything she said was true. I really do fucking love him. And I don't care if he was V, because I love the Kim Taehyung he is. And he doesn't need to change for me. 

I looked out the window to see if they were gone. But there wasn't a sign of any car. I heard the door closing downstairs. I ran down and saw Jungkook only coming inside. "They left" He said softly. Tears were flowing down. "He left me" I said. Lisa followed behind me. "Hey may have left you, but you shouldn't leave him" She said. I was confused but then realized what she meant.  I ran passed Jungkook, out the front door. 

I went outside and saw the car not so far from a distance. I ran behind it. I waved my hands up in the air but nothing was working. I ran more faster but stopped. The car was going. I put my hands on my knees and started softly crying. "No" I whispered. I failed. I couldn't get him back. 

I looked up and saw that the car stopped. My heart was racing. I ran a little front but still away from the car. The door opened revealing Taehyung. 

A huge smile appeared on my face. I was practically still crying, but I knew these were happy tears. He got down and was confused. Jimin and Eunwoo got down as well. "Jisoo?" He said. "Why are you-" I cut him off

"You really thought of leaving me for four years here huh?" I said while still having the smile on my face. I saw a big smiled on his face as well. 

"I could take you cause you'd probably fit in my suitcase" He said while smiling at me. I ran to him and tightly hugged him. He hugged me back as well. I missed this only and then I knew I made the right decision.  I let go and faced him. I started playfully hitting his chest. 

"You idiot, you were planning to leave me here for four years huh? What will you do without me there?" I said acting like I was angry at him. "Maybe get another girlfriend" He said smirking at me. I grabbed him and kissed him. He kissed back as well. We let go. "You dare think of any other girl and I will break your bones" I said sternly at him. "You look cute when you are angry" He said laughing. "Idiot!!" I shouted. "Remember, you are deeply in love with this idiot" He said. 

"I'm sorry" I said in a soft voice. "I was so confused and I needed time to think but didn't know it would end up in a break up and-" He cut my off by attaching his lips onto mine. I kissed him back. He pulled out. "What are we talking about? When did that happen?" He said trying to act like he forgot everything. "I only remember me going in the car and you running behind. Oh you looked so cute." He said. I genuinely smiled at him. I knew he wanted me to forgot that happened between us. But realization hit me. "Wait? You saw me when I was running but didn't even bother to stop the car? You know I have short legs and I can't run fast" I said pouting. "It was funny" He said. 

"Excuse me guys. Did you forget us?" Eunwoo said. I saw Jimin a long with Jungkook and Lisa. I guess they both followed behind. "What are we going to do now?" Lisa asked. "Well, Taehyung can just ask his private jet driver to fly us all there." Eunwoo said smirking. "YOU OWN A PRIVATE JET AND DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TAKE ME" Lisa shouted at me. We all started laughing. "Hmm I'll take everyone-but Lisa" He said sheepishly smiling at her. "I will end you if you do that" She said. 

From this day onwards, my Rainy Days have officially ended. Thank you my love.- Kim Jisoo

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