Chapter Two

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"Come back to bed." A gruffy annoying voice is muffled as i pull out of his embrace. I stand up, not an ounce of shame coursing through my body as i stand stark naked. The early morning sun shining in this ridiculously large room.

"That was a one time thing." I say, looking around on the floor to gather my mini skirt and crop top. I see my g-string laying bare on the ground and i snatch it up. I was so drunk last night that there's blanks in my memory. If i had any consciousness last night, the last place i would have ended up would be here.

Derik does throw a good party though. I'll give the loser that much credit atleast.

"I was that good, as if you'd not be able to come around for seconds." Kaiden tells me smugly, not that i'm paying much attention to him really while i quickly chuck my clothes back on. Although that sentence makes me roll my eyes. Kaiden Jeffery went to coral coast high, the defence for their football team. As far as i knew, they were the enemy. Each team, cheer and football. We despised each other and had for over five years now.

So yes, he was the last person i should be having sex with. Not that i would willingly again anyway, not if i actually wanted to have an orgasm this time. But, i'm not ashamed to admit i like sex when it's actually enjoyable, i love it infact. Although i want to curse how it had scooped me to a level so low last night. Kaiden wasn't ashamed to admit he wanted me last night, since he had snuck into the party at one stage and found me in the bathroom. I was plastered and well, horny. Lonely. But, now here we are. Him just so cocky for his own good it's disgusting, and me feeling that disgust in the pit of my stomach.

I scoff whipping around to face him, folding my arms over my chest. Keeping my eyes locked on his face, so i don't have to be exposed to that six pack and well the rest of his naked body. "I think i'll pass."

A hint of something passes his eyes but he fake pouts instead, placing a hand over his chest. In a mock of sadness. Warm blonde hair in curls on his head. Kaiden isn't the ugliest person to lay your eyes on but he sure as hell wasn't my type. His lack of sexual experience was also noticeable last night, and as cruel as i am? I wasn't going to bring that up, oh, not for his sake but mine.

"Hayley Judge really is a cruel bitch." He chuckles. "And bitches are what i'm attracted too. Coral Coast quarter back and the head cheerleader of the rival team, what a scandal."

Argh, he was a morning talker. Great, just adds on to the piling level of regret. I use my disgust to cover up the slight  panic that urrupts in my chest. Shit. I totally forgot about the rule with the cheer group. The rule that i made myself when i became captain at the start of the year.

Last year, the squad went through major problems because the girls were all fighting over the guys from Coral- aka sleeping with all the same seniors. It was major major, we nearly didn't have a team since there were girls quitting left and right. Luckily, we had a majority of new girls this year. We couldn't risk not having a team so we made a pact. Anyone who has sexual intercourse with anyone  associated with Coral Coast, would be kicked off the team and replaced.

Shit, double shit.

My top lip curls up, a threat lingering in my eyes as i lay them on his. "You tell anyone that we slept together?'' I pause for extra effect. "I'll cut your dick off and shove it in places you wont want full, got that?"

Hands up in surrender he laughs unevenly, a little freaked out. I'm good enough with that so i straighten my shoulders, not wasting one more ounce of my precious attention on him as i turn and head out the door. Finally not having to replay these moments ever again.

To Lust or to Loath you. (Book 3) Hayley and Caleb's book. Where stories live. Discover now