Chapter Five

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"Kiss my arse!" I exclaim. Clutching the school's news letter in my hands, reading one of the columns. The sports column. I'm currently sitting in the cafeteria, our long table occupying the cheerleading squad. It's lunch, and i've decided to distract myself from prom planning and how much it's stressing me out.

Stupidly, i snatched the school newsletter from Britany who looked like she wanted to protest but shut her mouth. It was a way to get my mind off how we were running out of time for prom. Which was in two weeks, the first event that marked the end of the year for us seniors.

I literally yelled at one of the girls because she couldn't even get the streamers right. Not only that, the ballon's were in delay. We still needed a DJ and people were late to accept their formal invite. I wanted to pull my hair out but since it cost over five hundred dollars to keep it this elegant, that would be a bad idea.

It seemed like everyone had half a brain when it came to the end of the year. I was the only one who had full control, and knew what needed to be done. It was getting frustrating.

But no, the girls are still raving on about the end of the year party that we host. The biggest at the end of every year.

Corals chance for victory is looking rather close it seems. Since our own captain can't even manage to show up for practice.. the odds are in the opposing team's favour.

I read the words allowed, just to make sure what i'm reading is actually true. But it gets worse when i keep reading further down. Millie is enchanting the girls in a party plan, but i block her annoying voice out.

The cheerleading group, may also be more interested in the gym and after parties. Attention elsewhere then supporting our school. But, it's always been Vitaraw over victory for that bunch.

I scoff. Smacking the paper until it lands on the table. The girls eyes turn to me, Molly pausing half way through her sentence. I look up, scowling at them. What the hell did i just read?

Not only that, why is our own student body throwing shade at us? They literally shat on Dominic for not showing up to practice, gave encouraging words about Coral and.. stated that our group was far from where we needed to be. It wouldn't bother me that much, i hardly read the fucking news letter.

But, that doesn't mean nobody else does. Whoever wrote this, it's damaging to our reputation. If we look bad then it people would believe it. Some of the girls want to take cheerleading professionally, how can we do that if people don't even show up to watch us?

Scouts. It all starts with one bad image and all that could be gone.

"What the hell is Vitaraw?" I spit.

Molly glances at the paper, the group quieting. Britany snatches the newsletter back off the table, reading it herself.

"I was talking about it the other day.. i didn't assume it would end up in the school newsletter." Christina mumbles, taking the paper off Brittany. Irritation sparks in my blood. God, the amount of ear wiggers in this school is absurd. Now we couldn't have conversations without someone listening in.

One of the downfalls for being who we were.

"What is it?"

"A weight loss pill brand." Christina tells us, before looking to me. The girls should be looking into weight loss pills but did they have to do it infront of people. Did everyone like their personal lives plastered around or was it just people from Cambridge?

To Lust or to Loath you. (Book 3) Hayley and Caleb's book. Where stories live. Discover now