Chapter Nine

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"Your going to looks gorgeous." Millie twirls her finger around my hair, sitting beside me at the cafeteria table. It's Tuesday and three days until prom. Everybody is raving about it, it's been the conversation for the last two days.

I lean away from her, enough so my hair is no longer in her reach. Glaring at her. She's so over the top. All the girls do something to suck up to me, Millie always over does it. Playing with my hair is one of those things. Only this is creepy.

She leans away from me. Heat flushing her cheeks before straightening, no doubt embarrassed.

"Did you find out who posted the letter?" Christina asks from across the table, shoving a carrot in her mouth. The girls all nod, facing to turn towards me. Eagerness shoving down any existing conversation as they tune in.

They are going to be majorly disappointed.

"No." I tell them. Pushing my tray of left over vegetables away from me with the annoyance that has been stuck with me since i ended the phone call with Caroline. I'm a ticking time bomb and it's not the first time it's occurred.

At first it was always hard to swallow down part of me that just wanted to explode, lash out on everyone i've had problems with in the past. Over time, i bury it so low it almost feels like it's gone- that i can go on with my life. But, when another problem pops up it seems to all rise to the surface again.

Caroline has set off the flame and i've got to try put it out before the fuse runs out.

"What why? What's taking so long?" Molly asks, next to Caroline and across from her sister.

"Mr Winston doesn't care for the popular crowd. He thinks we make our problems over dramatic." Millie rolls her eyes, before looking around the table. "Come on, when has he ever taken what we have to say seriously?"

Millie annoys me. What annoys me even more is that she's right. The reasons i haven't heard anymore information is because he lacks the interest to help me solve it. When i can get his full attention is only when i use my father to threaten him. His always held some sort of distain to the popular crowd. One massive idiotic stereotype that he doesn't take seriously.

"Maybe we should all-" Brittany's voice fades out just as i decide to look over at the double doors. The entrance to the cafeteria filled with two people.

Everything around me slows down as my eyes are indistinctly drawn to one of them. Caleb stands a head taller over a shorter girl, a girl i recognise as Jane Winston. They're side on, as she clutches her books to her chest. Caleb slightly leaning over her.

His saying something, eyes deep and penetrating her face with such an intense look.. it makes me hold my breath. Everything is suddenly in slow motion as she tilts her head back laughing, an arm moving out to push the top of his stomach.


Are they.. friends?

Caleb Ruk was friends and flirting with one of the biggest nobody's in school. Jane Winston spent time in the garden here at school, dressed in her dresses that were fit for mornings at the church. Yet, here they were. Looking at eachother like they actually have a friendship.

At Derik's party l seen her sitting on the jetty out by the lake, sometimes Derik and guys from the football team would go down there in the summer. As well as our cheerleading team. It was a relaxing spot for me, a place that held that moment of silence i had a habit of craving. I wanted to go down there for some fresh air, but my irritation spiked when i seen Jane and her loser friend sitting there.

To Lust or to Loath you. (Book 3) Hayley and Caleb's book. Where stories live. Discover now