Chapter Four

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"You don't have to keep lingering around you know? I'm doing okay." Ella assures me, looking up at me. It's been an hour since we ordered in dinner, and yet her folk has been floating around her untouched pasta. Just sitting at the end of dinning table with me, barely saying anything.

I have been watching her for an hour, observing her and it's enough proof to know she's full of shit. I know dad has offered counselling for her, but she rejected it. As much as i disagree with most things he does, she was stupid not not open up about it.

She nearly died. In one of the most scariest ways.

"You haven't touched your dinner, and as much as i wouldn't mind having your leftovers.. we need to talk about it."

She sighs, before pushing her bowl of pasta over in my direction. "Isn't that one part of the process, opening up when i'm ready?"

I think over that. Even if i think she's using it as an excuse to not have to say a thing about it, it also makes sense. It had only been a week since it happened, and she could still be in the after effects of shock. It was normal to not open up about it yet, but as long as she did then i guess i could accept that.

I hold her deep green eyes with my own, searching them to find anything that could worry me. But alas, nothing. I cared for her, my heart burned for my little sister. She looked like her mother, barely any comparison to my father and me. Blonde hair, crooked nose. A little more pretty than i was, that's as much i would let my ego allow in comparing her to me.

We had the same eyes, same as dads. It was all we shared. All those differences but she was the one person i loved more than anyone. I wouldn't let her grow shallow and broken, happy Ella was the one i wanted around. Laughing over those stupid cartoons on tv, having sleep overs and building cubby houses when we were kids.

Any moment i got with her as a child to now, we had always had fun. It wasn't for long, it wasn't always but we made it work.

"You promise me you will talk about it eventually?" I ask, letting enough desperation slip through my voice.

"Yes." She replies quickly. "I just don't want to talk about it right now. I want to know what happened at the office today, i heard your name being called over the speaker. What was that about?"

I grin, even thought i don't partially feel it at all. Anxiety has pretty much infected my brain and my lungs since that meeting. The chance of not finishing highschool the right way haunted me more than i thought it would. At the end of it, if it's what will make my sister forget her haunting memories then i'll talk about it all night.


I didn't know if this was going to work, but i needed to atleast try a first attempt. My eyes have been set on Alisha McDonald, the girl who hangs out with the mathletes. Hayley Judge would never suspect her, that's what i needed. Someone with a low profile around here, my first thought was to ask Jane to be involved  in the plan. Her hate towards Hayley Judge had been around since elementary, when she was made front of for getting her period.

Her stain on her skirt, while Hayley pointed it out to nearly everyone. It's partially why Jane likes to blend in with the crowed so she is never the victim of an embarrassing performance like that again.

It just wouldn't work, Jane was there at the party. Hayley knows they are friends since catching them on the jetty. Jane trying to be her friend would end very badly, or even trying to get information would out us quicker.

So, i have a plan and it's the only explanation to why i'm waiting inside the janitor's closet. Spotting Alicia coming this way. I have no idea who she is, or if she will even agree to doing this for me but i have to try.

To Lust or to Loath you. (Book 3) Hayley and Caleb's book. Where stories live. Discover now