Chapter Eight

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The look on her face was down right hilarious when she was informed that i knew of her and Kaiden. I thought maybe to wait and dig more information first but then thought fuck it.

She deserved it. Especially in a moment when she was pulling her shit again, talking crap about Lily. I didn't know her to a full extent but Lily was nice. Kind, and there was something about her that made my friend turn into a love sick fool.

Anyway, the horror that flashes in the blondes eyes was hilarious, she got caught out. It's also what might have made her a little speechless, it was refreshing.

Since she always seemed to have a lot to say. You might call me sick for the pleasure it sent through me, it was like seeing something for the very first time.

A kid seeing a unicorn.
A poor man seeing millions of cash just sitting in a cupboard.

Hayley Judge had nothing to say, it was a miracle. She acted so tough, like she was a benefit to the world, to everyone who had the displeasure of being in her life. Until she was confronted with being guilty of doing something so dirty. It was an opportunity for her to be judged and humiliated, she was not so tough anymore.

"What are you grinning about?" Jake's suspicious voice pulls me out of my twisted head, i turn to him. Pulling my eyes off the cod game that Harry is currently swearing at as he gets killed on screen. We finished school two hours ago, decided to hangout at Jake's to play video games and chill.

Dominic had sped off before school ended. Meaning he isn't here to get his mind off gold pussy to hangout with us. I wasn't going to push him too, he actually came to school today which was good enough for me.

"Nothing." I reply, covering my face with a blank expression. Jake, of course is the first once to notice anything. His eyes have scanned a entire room as soon as he enters it. Reads the vibes and sus's out the people. All while keeping his mouth shut.

So it doesn't surprise he caught the slip of a smile on my face that only lasted a second. He catches everything.

His just not clever enough to suspect the secret i've kept hidden my entire life. I can't tell him why i'm smiling, not the truth. Telling him about my plans means revealing my motive, my motive is Ella. Sure, he knows that i'm involved with her in some way. No doubt thinking the same thing Harry is.

But Jake's the smartest out of all of us. He knows not to pressure me into revealing anything, he honestly couldn't care less enough about it anyway.

It's what i like about him, his lack of caring.

"Whatever, i'm done with this stupid game." Harry sighs, chucking the xbox remote beside him on the couch. Dying another round, defeat displaying on the tv. But it's not long after when his phone lights up with a message, and before Jake and i can glance our eyes down at who it's from. Harry has already snatched it in his palm, already typing back.

Jake and i share a look.

Everyone has secrets. It was common knowledge known to just about any individual, but i never thought that the secrets us boys had? Would be kept from one another.

"Who you talking to?" I ask Harry as it seems that we are going around in circles. Jake not knowing about Ella and asking me what i'm smiling about, now myself asking Harry what was so important on his phone that he tucks it close to his face not wanting us to see it.

It made me sad a little but i mask it up.

Junior year, everything was perfect. Dominic was the usual arsehole, i never had to worry about my sister for long periods of time. Harry's father was to busy with business transactions, bothering his son was put to rest. Jake, well his the same as always.

To Lust or to Loath you. (Book 3) Hayley and Caleb's book. Where stories live. Discover now