Chapter Three

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One week later:

Molly is gossiping about something she found out from her mother, about something to do with Coral Coast. Majority of the squad stand around her locker, hanging onto her every word. It's currently lunch time, and i'm that bored of this conversation already i'm playing solitaire. Fucking solitaire on my phone.

It's either that or listening to them bitch about that school. Besides, i did not need any reminds about their football team. Kaiden, specifically. The near thought of our exchange sends shivers down my

Honestly, what was i thinking? Sleeping with him sounded like a good idea at the time. I should have said no the first time he tried to hit on me in the bathroom. But then he found me near the lake, talking to a couple college guys. It had been a good thirty minutes between each encounter, so i was deeply under the influence of alcohol by the second time.

Blame it on the alcohol.

I just wasn't expecting for him just to thrust a couple of times before it was over. I was honestly just so tired and my head was spinning so i ended up passing out. It certainly wasn't an experience worth loosing my spot on the squad.

The girls laugh at something, the corridor buzzing with life as students make their way up and down it. I bite my lip, wanting to roll my eyes. Today was gloomy somehow, i didn't know how to explain it. Usually knowing we had practice today made me feel a buzz all day, but for some reason i didn't carry that buzz today.

Even slipping on my cheer uniform didn't burst something giddy inside of me.

I'm about to tell the girls to wrap their conversations up, since lunch ends in five but commotion happens.  A loud slam cutting through the air.

Everyone and i mean everyone swings their attention to where it came from. A young boy is held against the locker, a look of pure fear on his face. Freshman. He honestly looks like his two seconds away from crapping his pants.

I understand why, Dominic has him stuffed against the locker. His nostrils flared, flexed arms straining the boy in a tight grip. A broad muscled bear, getting its hands on a small fish. That's what it looks like. It's been a week since the word got around about Dominic's after school activities. The news has been plaguing Western, still to this day nobody shut up about it.

The word slut has been thrown around more times then i can count. But, none of the names are directed at Dominic. People praise him for shacking it up with his stepmom, thinking of him as lucky since he got to live a real porn life experience.

Lily Kingston is facing all the backlash and i don't feel sorry for her. Maybe she should have thought about the consequences before laying dirty hands on her husbands son. Vomit.

That doesn't surprise me at all though, what does surprise me is why Dominic isn't eating off the praises. Why this isn't one massive joke to him, i don't know. It's a joke to me.

And clearly, a lot of other people.

"Shut your mouth." Comes from Dominic in one single warning before he releases the junior in one swift move. Leaving the boy in a heap of shock as he glides past everyone. Not paying us any attention, five seconds ago there was his rage. As soon as he turned around a mask went up.

Dominic and i are alike in that way, we put a mask on our face for the rest of the world. To appear unbothered, a power move in my opinion. Emotion is weakness, being vulnerable is an even bigger flaw.

To Lust or to Loath you. (Book 3) Hayley and Caleb's book. Where stories live. Discover now