Chapter Seven

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All day since the moment it happened, even now tossing and turning in my usually comfortable bed? I can't stop thinking about today at school with Caleb. My mind is reeling over every breath, every step and word and i can't stop thinking enough to close my eyes and fall asleep.

It was like looking at someone who took over Caleb, replaced him with a whole new version. A guy that could completely wreak havoc on me if he just so much as wished it.

What did i do to him?

That's the question that always pops back in my head and it's the only one i can't answer. I haven't given him any motives to come after me, but i must have if i am the only person to have brought a new side out in him?

A side that i never want to see again.

I sigh, turning over onto my back. Rain pelting down all the roof as i stare up on my ceiling, my room pitch black. Maybe, it was just a one time thing. Those guys give shit to people all the time before they get bored and find something else to do.

Just maybe, today was all it was and i shouldn't think about him or our encounter for one more second.




Fuck, i know that Piper wouldn't appreciate me going through her house with nobody here. Especially since it's the weekend.

Well, for one to plead my case Dominic is here so i'm not breaking in or anything. Two? Dominic was here which meant he wasn't at school. Piper hates him missing school.

For six days he has flunked school, his attendance has gotten worse since two weeks ago and i just couldn't keep going on with the day knowing he could be effecting his grades. Effecting something i know he's wanted since we were kids. Football. Coach is getting even more pissed off and the team is actually going down hill with Dominic being gone.

Championships are not that much longer away, and it's important that my bestfriend gets his head out of his arse and makes sure we win that victory.

Jake and Harry had some serious exams to sit down for at school which means i'm the only other option to snap my bestfriend out of the slump he was in.

He was messing shit up for himself and i wasn't going to sit by and let it happen, that's not the kind of friendship we had.

So, i walk into his room. The immediate stench of alcohol hits my nose and the sight before me is much worse than i expected. Cans of beer are everywhere, in nearly every square inch of his room. A long exhale falls from my lungs, what the hell was this?

A catastrophe.


Clothes are everywhere, it honestly looks like someone has rotted in here. This isn't the usual tidy space that i walk into, which means his mother has also taken a disliking to every part of this situation.

Piper dotted on her son, did his washing and was practically his house made. They were fighting, it's the only reason why she wasn't worried about her son's state.

My eyes fall to the bed near the opposite wall, there is the clone that has possessed my friend who is passed out on the bed. Laying on his stomach.

Fucking hell, this was a mess and he needed to get his shit together. The sooner the better, i also had to get back to school. I actually had to study later and check on Ella today but first i needed to make my friend aware that he couldn't live like this.

To Lust or to Loath you. (Book 3) Hayley and Caleb's book. Where stories live. Discover now