Chapter Ten

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"Omg! You look fab!"
"Jesus, you outshine all of us."

The girls squeal compliments at me as i approach them, running as fast as their heels can take them- this way as soon as they spot me.

Brittany grabs my arms, scanning her eyes down my body as she checks me out. I could say the ego doesn't love this moment, but i would be lying. A good distraction from what happened only five minutes ago. I had to re group before facing the squad.

As scary as Caleb tries to be, i wasn't convinced entirely. I had people at school everyday try to challenge me in some way and yet i always got my usual eight hours sleep.

Caleb was just a bit of a surprise since i hadn't done anything to him. Nor did he seem to have it in him, not when i had grown up to see him be nothing more then a jokester, a flirt and a complete moron.

Whoever this girl was.. i don't know why she doesn't have the balls to come say it herself. Instead of hiding behind her poorly chosen boyfriend.

"Seriously Hayley, i don't regret my vote." Millie whistles. I shake my hips a little, forcing myself  to fake laugh. Urgh, you would think Millie was a lesbian. Maybe that kiss with that senior girl at the end of school party last year was more than a spin the bottle game.

Britany seems to think the same thing when she shoots me a look from behind Millie.

"Oh stop being a suck up." Molly bumps her shoulder with her sister. Coming to stand beside Millie but her attention is on me. "She does have a point, I don't regret my vote either though."

They were referring to voting for home-coming queen and king. The squad felt obligated to vote for me and good thing too. A happy captain means a happy team.

Meaning, i'd kick them off the squad if they didn't. It seemed unreasonable but this was my last year at Western and i needed to make it as memorable as possible. Especially now since my collage was going to be hell.

If my dad had anything to say about it.

"It's like they didn't even try this year." Christine announces her arrival as she steps into the circle, all of our attention swings on the rest of the gym. I don't care to look at anyone else like the girls do though, my eyes scan over my hard work. Black and silver colored balloons, streams and ribbons are covering every wall on the gym. The back boards behind the basketball hoops have gold balloon numbers on them.


There is also a kissing booth near the locker rooms.

Oh, the table beside the wall on the furthest side of the gym. Snacks, punch bowl.

That stupid board Alex managed to grab is hanging on the wall beside the stage, a group of students pinning photos to it as we speak. A slide show also appears on a projector at the corner opposite the photo board.

Speaking of Alex, he stands on the stage with the members of the band. All dressed in gowns and tux's, they mess around with the instruments. Getting warmed up for a long night. The good thing about ordering Alex around was that he also came with a benefit.

I needed someone to play for prom, he said he could do it.

Pride swells in my chest. I'm just amazing, that's all there is to it.

Despite Caleb and his tantrum.. This might actually turn out to be a good night.


"Uh um." Mr Winston coughs through the microphone, cutting through the noise of the gym as the crowd has reached its maximum. . The room buzzing with laughter and light music, people either with their dates or in groups around the gym.

To Lust or to Loath you. (Book 3) Hayley and Caleb's book. Where stories live. Discover now