Chapter 6

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I take a deep breath as I pull the jenga piece out carefully so that the whole tower wouldn't fall over.

"Come on Fae! You got this, I believe in you!" Matt encouraged.

Then he got the whole crowd saying my name. I focused as hard as I could and got the piece out. The crowd gasped as the tower rocked back and forth a little bit, then leveled out.

The crowd cheered for me and Matt hugged me and rocked me back and forth a little.

"Great job, I am so proud of you." He said quietly to just me.

"Thanks," I said quietly as the next challenge went on.

Chris and his team knocked over the tower, ending Janga. Next, we played basketball which I totally lost but, Matt didn't seem too upset about it.

Next, we did this game where we tried to get our team color on the top of a bunch of cups that were red. Matt and I won that one for sure.

Then we did song association, I have to give it to them, Chris and Nick chose their teams well but Matt and I were doing good too.

The score was tied against all of the teams and it was between whichever team answered the fastest. I was answering with a lot of Taylor Swift lyrics. Flynn and I would play Taylor Swift Song association all of the time and so I had a lot of really good practice in.

"Alright, Whichever team gets this will win," The announcer said, " Your word is Guilty."

I didn't even need think about this one, I jumped up and raised my hand before anyone was able to answer. They pointed at me and I sang "Without ever touching his skin, how can I be guilty as sin? Guilty as sin by Taylor Swift!"

The announcer took a moment to check to see if I had answered correctly. Matt grabbed my hand and pulled it behind our backs. We were standing close together so that we wouldn't draw any attention.

"Ladys and Gentleman...Your winner is team Matt!" The announcer said as the crowd went wild.

Matt and I started to cheer and jump up and down, he gave me a high five then grabbed my hands.

Chirs and Nick were obviously bummed that they lost but they still smiled and clapped for us. "We won Fae!! We won!" Matt said.

"Yeah, I guess we did." I said. 

He looked me in the eyes and it felt like my legs were going to give out. "Thanks Fae." He said, "You did great." 

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