Chapter 12

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"Flynn, I just wanna call Matt." I said as my brother pulled me across our front lawn, "He should be getting up anytime now and he said that he would call me when he was up."

Matt and the others had just finished their tour and had gone back to Boston to be with their parents for a while.

"I know!" He said "But lover boy will have to wait. I have a surprise for you."

"Flynn," I said the, realized that I shouldn't let Matt get in the way of whatever surprise that he had planned, "Okay, Let's go."

"Alright so first, We are going to the record store. I am going to get you the new Taylor Swift Vinyl that you have been wanting. Then we are going to go to the beach, It's been SOO long since we went there last."

I smiled at him then nodded, I stared out the window as we drove. Flynn turned on Taylor's new album and we vibed and sang together the whole way to the Record store. 

We got the vinyl and then left and went to the beach. We walked to the water and were near the boardwalk. I walked under by where the pillars were and took in the sounds of the waves and the smell of the ocean.

"So, I did tell you that there was a surprise." He said, "But what could that surprise be I wonder?" He started to tap his chin with his pointer finger.

"Weird." He said.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, my ringtone for Matt was Lover by Taylor Swift. I immediately picked it up, it was a facetime and so I tried to fix my hair from all of the wind.

"Matt!" I said, "Hey, how are you adjusting to the time changes?"

"Better than either of us would have thought honestly." He said with a huge smile on his face.

I started to look at his surroundings and realized that he was outside.

"What are you doing outside are you filming a..." I said but he cut me off with a small laugh.

"Fae, Turn around." He said.

I did as he told me and I gasped, he was standing there. I ran to him and jumped in his arms like how I did in the Denny's Parking lot and he twirled me around

"Matthew!" I said, "Matt, Matt, Matt."

He held me for a second then I kissed him, I put my fingers in his soft hair and held me close to him.

"You know Fae, You are such a blonde sometimes." He said with a chuckle, "Where did you think that I was?"

I shook my head and said "Ok thats not fair! You told me you were in boston you Fucker! I can't believe that you are actually here!!!"

He put me down as I looked over to Flynn and gasped again, "Nick!" I said.

He was over by Flynn and they looked like they were happy to see one another. "Wait, where's..." I was saying but got cut off my Chris jumping out from one of the pillars trying to scare me.

I didn't even jump, I folded my arms and looked at him. "Come on!" He said, "I didn't get you at all?"

I shook my head as Matt grabbed me from behind and pulled he into him. I looked up at him and he smiled at me and kissed me again.

"So, what is there to do here?" Chris asked after he had cleared his throat, causing Matt to stop kissing me to look at him.

"Oh, I've got you guys," Flynn said, "Let's go play some volleyball."

"We'll catch up with you guys." Matt said.

"Alright," Flynn said as he raised an eyebrow

He smiled at him then Flynn walked away with Chris and Nick.

Matt put his arm around my shoulder and we started to walk down the beach. We walked close to each other and he even twirled me a few times.

We walked until we saw a bench and we decided to stop there. I cuddled into him and he put his head on me. We watched the waves going in and out, making the sand wet.

He said, "Fae, I have a question for you."

I sat up and looked at him and said "What?"

"I was thinking the it's been a while since we have "Started talking" He said as he did the quotations with his fingers "I was just wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend?"

I gasped and put my hands on my mouth, "Really?" I asked.

He nodded with a smile and said "Yeah,"

"Matt..." I said starting to cry, "Yes, I will be your girlfriend."

He smiled then stood up and grabbed my hands and pulled me up. He pulled me into him and we kissed.

Life had not always been great to me but, I now know that Matt was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

I held on to him tight as we kissed and never wanted to let him go. When we did pull away he looked at me and said "We should get back, Race ya."

"Oh it is so on." I said then we started running back the way that we had come. 

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