The Undercroft

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Harry tossed and turned in his bed. He couldn't get his mind to quiet down..
It wasn't that he was thinking of anything in particular. In fact, his mind was quiet but the silence was loud. Excruciatingly loud. The boy was tired but for some reason wasn't able to sleep. He laid there in his bed with his eyes closed for what felt like hours and still couldn't seem to get any rest at all.

'What is wrong with me..?' The raven haired boy thought, sighing deeply before finally sitting up. As he cast Tempus he then saw that it was 12:30 in the morning.
'Shit...' the boy sighed again. There was no way he was going to be able to get any sleep like this.

Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak and swiftly headed out of the portrait. He brought his map with him just to be extra careful.

The cloak had seemed to be a lot smaller than he remembered. It no longer felt as though three people could fit underneath it..just maybe one or two, given that Harry, despite growing a lot over the past few years and his shoulders becoming wider in strength, was still on the smaller side in height.

Harry didn't even know where he was going; his feet seemed to have just moved seemingly on their own as he spaced out, staring out of the long windows.
The moon peeking through castsed a beautiful blue light within the very dark walls of Hogwarts.

It was a beautiful night.

It had reminded Harry of those nights at the Burrow with Ginny where they would sit and stargaze. The moonlight would turn her already bright red hair even shinier..She was enchanting. Harry would go breathless at the sight of her.. or even the smell of her.

The memory sent a tinge of pain in his chest. He did love the girl, truly he did..but something didn't feel right between them after the war. It could have been the time they spent apart during break, after all Harry didn't return to the Burrow but returned to Grimmauld place. He felt that it was best to leave the Weasley family to worry about Fred's health in private..though they probably wouldn't have minded if Harry was there regardless.

Perhaps Ginny blames Harry in a way? Maybe that's why they easily grew apart in such a short amount of time.
Maybe Ginny does think it was Harry's fault that her brother is comatose in St. Mungos instead of being at home with her and George and the rest of the Weasley Family.

Harry couldnt imagine how quiet it must have been at the Burrow. The last time Harry saw the Weasley Family George seemed to have gone completely mute and Ron was in a state of denial..
Molly spent her time sobbing quietly when she thought no one was looking and Ginny seemed to have isolated herself for the moment.
Arthur tried to be strong for the family but there was an undeniable sadness in his eyes that made Harry's heartbreak tenfold.

Harry had to stop and wipe his eyes from tearing up again..Sure he was able to save Fred from dying during the battle but what if he never wakes up? What if George never gets to make jokes and pranks with his twin again? What if Molly actually loses a son? How will she cope? She'd already been having a hard time with him being in a coma.

Harry had to forcibly shake those thoughts from his head. 'Going down the rabbit hole of what if's isnt going to do me any good..Fred is alive..he's not dead..'

As Harry adventures through Hogwarts walls, he notices a rather strangely hidden.. clock?- in a secluded area in a rather hidden hallway. Curiosity piqued, Harry goes to investigate the odd clock. It was tall and decorated with astral symbols and stars. It was beautiful.

It also seemed Harry, unsure how to open this strange clock cabinet thing, takes out his wand and with a swift flick of the wrist, the clock- cabinet- whatever opens.

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