A Lovegood and a Malfoy?

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Trigger warning: this part does include some gruesome scenes. If you cannot handle it you are able to skip
** indicates when the part starts and ends

**As Harry stood through the old discarded courtyard, hexes and curses can be heard being thrown and deflected. Screams echoing and ringing throughout the halls, piercing Harry's mind.  His adrenaline pumping and his heart racing, Harry could hear the echoes and screams and yet he was the only one standing. Everyone was gone.

Everyone had died around him.

Ron was seen holding Hermione in a protective embrace..but both laid motionless and pale. There was absolutely no one. Harry looked around once again.. Neville, Dean, Seamus, the Weasley family, Hagrid, Luna..even Malfoy and Oliver Wood. Everyone was dead. The raven haired boy wanted to scream..to cry.. but there was no noise. Just ghostly screams from people who were no longer there. Harry's breathing hitched, turning into short gasps for air.

The metallic smell of blood was fresh in his mind..it could be seen dripping off the walls and corpses of his friends and family. Some, in better shape than others.
Like how Oliver Wood's broom could be seen lodged through his skull. Or how Neville's hands were detached from the rest of his body, still somehow gripping the sword of Gryffindor.

'How..?' The raven haired boy choked through his muffled cries 'How could this happen..? I thought-..I thought we won the war..? I thought I had saved at least- oh god-..'
He wanted to throw up. The sight was too gruesome for him to take.

'I couldn't save them-..No- No I failed them..I failed everyone..! I-'


"Oh dear...Harry? Harry wake up!"

Harry shot up from his bed, hyperventilating as sweat dripped from his forehead.
"W-What..? W-Where am- O..Oh..Sorry Neville...Did i wake you..?" The boy spoke breathlessly, wiping the sweat off his face.

"No..I was luckily already up." Neville watched Harry with care and caution. It'd only been a week since he'd return to Hogwarts and the nightmares seemed to have only been more relentless and..vivid.

"Sorry.." Harry mumbled under his breath. The sun hadn't fully risen and there was no way he could fall back asleep.

Harry searched and searched for his glasses on the bedside table 'where..?-' as he fully sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, there was a sudden crunch from under him.

After fixing his glasses, again, and taking a long shower Harry had 30 minutes before the great hall would officially open. Normally he'd spend this time with Ron(If Ron ever woke up that early) playing wizards chess but neither Ron or Hermione had come back with him. Hermione was busy trying to recover her parents memory and because Ron is indeed a good boyfriend he went along with her. Of course, Hermione suggested Harry come with her, knowing it'll probably be hard for Harry to cope without them

But Harry was a bit tired of feeling like a third wheel to them and he knew they needed some alone time without any more Potter shenanigans. They deserved to explore their relationship more without death lurking around the corner.

Which unfortunately leaves Harry somewhat alone. Of course, he still had Neville, Luna, Dean and Seamus. They definitely helped some but they definitely weren't Ron and Hermione.

Things have been relatively normal at Hogwarts..Whatever 'normal' meant. Which for Harry is definitely abnormal. Mcgonagall allowed the first week to be a free week for the students, especially for those coming back from the war.. just to make sure everyone felt safe and settled in before classes started again. Which meant Harry spent most of his time trying to adjust.

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