Potter in the way and Malfoy's cruelty

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Draco woke up in cold sweats.. must've been another nightmare. Draco sighed as he got up to do his usual routine. As expected, Nott came in soon after, with Blaise still being the only one in their shared room still sleeping.

Everything had seemed normal aside from the fact that Theo hadn't spoken to him since last night. It wasn't like Theo to be completely silent unless he was upset or in deep thought.'Did i do something?' Draco thought to himself as he was on his way to the great hall.

Draco had to find some way to make it up to Theo..despite it being only 30 minutes at most, Draco hated the idea of any of upsetting Theo. They had promised to stay close to each other, especially this year. Draco knew it was going to be a tough year and neither of them could go through it alone.

Draco was suddenly forced out of his deep thought as he seemed to have accidentally bumped into a rather tall Ravenclaw.
"Ow- Sorry I-"

"Watch where you're going next time, Death eater." The Ravenclaw spat, shoving past Draco. The blonde refrained from pulling out his wand and hexing the rather rude student.. despite most of his charges being dropped, Draco couldn't afford to draw any negative attention to himself. It would only make things significantly worse anyways.

After Draco adjusted his robes, he finally made his way to the great hall and sat at his usual seat, grabbing his usual cup of coffee. This time, Draco saw someone he didn't recognize, staring right at him.

What the hell? It was a woman with incredibly long black hair and a blank expression plastered on her face that would even put Lucius to shame. What was her deal?
The woman got up from her seat and approached Draco, who was looking at her cautiously.

"Hello there, Malfoy." Her eyes were intimidating and her posture showed confidence. Who was she?


"My name is Professor Sonnet." She hummed, her voice was deep and smooth. Draco sat there, stiffened by her rather calm demeanor despite her gaze being..almost hostile. He just nodded at her.

The woman hadn't said anything and just studied the boy sitting in front of her.
"I hope that we can become well acquainted with each other soon, Mr Malfoy." She swiftly returned to her seat.

Draco just sat there, confused. The strange woman had kept her eyes off of Draco to which he was grateful for. He'd already had one set of eyes on him and he did NOT want two.

Speaking of, Draco had turned his gaze to the Gryffindor table and caught sight of Harry, once again, staring right at him. Draco then regretted inviting Harry to his skating practices.. He didn't even know why he had offered to begin with.

Theo soon came into the great hall and sat a bit further away from Draco this time, putting food on his plate and acting as if Draco wasn't even there.

"Theo, is something wrong?" Draco hadn't yet figured out why Theo was so upset..

"No." That was an obvious lie. A terrible one at that.

"Theo, can you tell me if something is bothering you.." Draco moved closer slowly, as if his presence would make him run away.

Theo then huffed, turning his whole body towards Draco. His brows furrowed and a subtle scowl had been on his face "Inviting Potter to our practices? What are you, friends with him now?"

"What? No?- Theo, why would you assume that?"

"Don't lie to me, Malfoy." The use of Draco's last name stung. Theo had turned away from Draco entirely and brought his attention back to his plate.

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