A Slytherin WHAT party?!

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Harry led Draco to an empty unused Herbology classroom, successfully avoiding Filch and the other students heading to their common room. The room smelled like wet soil, the moon being the only thing lighting up the small space.

"Was bringing me out this far really necessary?" Draco looked around the small room with distaste. "I mean..I doubt we'd even be in here long."

Harry simply ignored Draco's whines, leaning against one of the tables and simply just watching Draco's facial expressions change. Harry learned quickly that dirt was not something Draco was very fond of.

"Doesn't bother me much. I don't see what the problem is." Harry smirked, seeing Draco shift and shuffle from where he stood, obviously uncomfortable.

"Right..well what do you even want to talk about?"

"Why are you in such a rush?" Harry tilted his head, trying to come off as slow, hoping Draco would slip up somewhere.

"Because, Potter,-" The blonde huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Some people have things they need to get to—"


"Like what? At a time like this the only place you need to get to is your bed." Harry raised an eyebrow, a smirk still spread across his face.

Draco's eyes widened "I-.." he cleared his throat, that Malfoy mask slipping back onto his face, his expression blank and unreadable "That is none of your business, Potter."

"Cut the shit Malfoy you've been caught." Harry pushed himself off the table and stood close to the blonde, standing tall.

"Caught?" Draco repeated, still slightly towering over Harry.

"Yes, caught. You, Theodore, Astoria and the rest of those bloody Slytherins. You've been caught." There was a certain confidence in Harry's voice that made Draco's mask crack slightly, his eyes giving way a sense of worry.

"What? How do you even—

"You didn't think you could hide those bloody orgy parties did you, Malfoy?" Harry's gaze was threatening but Draco's face deadpanned before he started laughing so hard he had to hold on to the wall for support.

"What??-" Draco choked in between cackles "Orgy parties? Merlin, Harry, where did you even draw that conclusion from?"

Harry's face flushed with embarrassment "W-..Well I uh-"

"Is that really what you were making such a big fuss about?" Draco continued to laugh in Harry's face, which made Harry realize how silly that sounded.

"I noticed that you haven't been coming to breakfast at your usual times lately and then..you disappear sometimes when we hang out with Luna and then I overheard your conversation with Theodore a-and i also saw you leave the Undercroft with Astoria—

"I knew you were lurking around that day!" Draco managed to stop laughing

"I wasn't lurking" Harry corrected, rolling his eyes. "I was planning on going there to clear my head and you just came out so.."

"So you came up with the conclusion that me, Theodore and Astoria are having some sort of...threesome?" Draco crossed his arms over his chest again, leaning against the wall in amusement

"When you say it like that it sounds stupid but at the time it sorta just made sense!" Harry defended, becoming slightly agitated.

"What do you take me for, Potter? Some kind of slut? Do you think I just fuck anyone and everyone in The Undercroft?" Draco teased, a smile grew across his face.

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